whats the easiest way to take the insides off a stag head? Buried or boiled? Cheers Pete.
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whats the easiest way to take the insides off a stag head? Buried or boiled? Cheers Pete.
I have a guy I give it too. He charges $45 or so and it comes back mint, no stink no mess
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Boiling it. Use a bit of dishwasher detergent in the water as it helps. Bring it out of the water after 1/2 hour and get all the bits that have loosened off and eye balls if you havn't already.Boil for a couple of hours then water blast it if you have one while it's still hot.
Making sure you have skinned it before you start. And keep the water topped up. You don't want any flame or major heat on the antlers themselves.
I used washing powder last time, made it nice and white. In the pot...
Let it rot in a bucket of water for a week or so so it softens up, then boil it in soapy water. You can whiten it with hydrogen peroxide after that if it needs it.
I clean mine up with a knife then let it soak in a bucket of water to rot, then I water blast.
Scrub in detergent and hot water to get rid of fats then dry it out in the sun.
Get some peroxide cream of trademe or a hairdresser and paint it on. Let it rest in a warm spot and wash of with warm water.. Repeat if required, they come up like porcelain.
Buried my last head for about 6 months up to pedicles - you will need to put a cage around it so dogs don't dig it up. Just need to wash off dirt and scrape off any bits of remaining skin etc.
I bury mine, pulled one out of the ground the other day that had only been in a month. Was mint.
I put them in a couple of supermarket bags, hang them in a tree and let the maggots do their work. Give it a couple of months then a soak in a bucket with some janola added. Comes up good.
Skin, then boil with some washing soda 1 tblespoon per 5 litres for an hour, its slightly caustic so gets fat etc also makes the meat and sinew jelly like then waterblast to clean. The chickens are also good if its a bit rotten anazing how thorough their beaks can be!
Thanks just trying to find where she hides that big pot.
Thanks for all the ideas. It came up really good.boiled for a day then waterblast. 2 things i would do different. Dont boil it inside and not with the jam making pot.
Here you go @murmech this is how i clean up a Stag head.
Attachment 48061
Start with a Stag head.
Attachment 48062
Skin it.
Attachment 48063
Boil it.
Attachment 48064
And finish with the hose or waterblaster.