One up on the Wapiti and I havent even got into my block yet:P
I'm sure it has some red in it though....
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One up on the Wapiti and I havent even got into my block yet:P
I'm sure it has some red in it though....
Attachment 22532
My first ever stag shot. Missed a pretty sizeable 10 or 11 and a shitty 8 before getting this in the space of 24 hours! they were mongrel half spooked shots anyway.
Picture perfect roar in, completely un-spooked and shot him behind the front shoulder and he kind of half walked/ran off 20-30m before he was gonners :D
Amazing country in the Ruahines.
Nice mate :D
nice stuff well done man
Nice one kiwigreen!
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Nice to meet you @Hunt4life fancy meeting a jaffa in these woods:thumbsup: If its shit up in the Ruahines tomorrow we will have to come back for beersies:thumbsup:
Kiwigreen, for a first and a Ruahine stag, that's a great animal. 10 points is it?
Nice KG. They are often missing their bey tines (the second one up), so thats a goody.
Cheers guys. Yeah 10 points, real even and symmetrical too. I'm glad I missed that average 8 now, The average head in where we go is probably like mine or a bit bigger.
We've had a 10 come out in front of us a few years ago, 3 bullets it took to drop it and it looked completely dead - me and my brother walk up to it and it gets up and starts running for its life and took another 2 bullets from a .308 to actually kill it. Ruahine stags are not to messed with! haha.
Attachment 22565
My dad's best head out of there. Still some good stags in there Hunt4life
An 18 pointer came off Waewaepa last week and was in the neighbours chiller.
Plenty of stags roaring up the Rokai valley Friday and Saturday in perfect weather. Shot a nice fat hind but was just too slow to drop her yearling as well on Saturday morning. We were shattered Saturday arvo so went to the pub to 'recover', which was silly cos the weather turned to crap and the stags shut up and moved away from the wind.
I got a good stag angry and wound up on Sunday morning, while cold and soaked to the bone, but think I pushed him too hard and as closing in for the kill at 60m he suddenly roared from 200m then went quiet and the game was over without me seeing his antlers. Gutted!
Between three of us we took two hinds and saw eight, but heard about twelve stags roaring. Good fun trip and I'll go back to the Ruahines anytime :)
Hope the heads up helped mate:)
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Clients stag from last week. 9 x 6 x 40" long, was wrapped to say the least with his first stag. Couldn't have cut it finer, was 40 m from the bush edge with light dying by the second when we got him
Attachment 22674