@JoshC that is a ripper of a stag alright....and your photo is pretty good too,cant quite see the tops on near side but the rest of it looks VERY even,sure it will score well.
I sat on a ridge last evening yaking to RUMPY on cellphone,I had a tidy 9-10 about 250 yards below me with couple of hinds,a smaller 8 about 100 yards away giving me the stink eye,he knew I was there but didnt know what story was,both roaring well. Just as got off phone I noticed a bull thar about 150 yards away too on bush edge between the two noisy stags.....for a minute I wondered if I had already died and had somehow bypasses the pearly gates....just sat and took it all in for a few minutes before,popping quietly back over ridge top out of view and wandering homeward leaving them to it.