Hot rub.
Tracking a stag and a couple of hinds into this labyrinth when I came across this rub. I could smell him at this point so I continued and not 40m further on I heard something moving through the bush. Evident from the tracks earlier, my roars had got him to drive his girls away so I opted to hind call. Instantly could hear multiple deer moving in, caught a glimpse of his tops (at least 3 a side) at 25m. He was no more than 15m away but still completely obscured and I knew it was only seconds before he was in view and I could send off my shot. Just then to my right up pops a hinds head at 10m. I kept still hoping he would clear the thick shit and come into my lane, which would be no further than 5m from me. As he made it to around 10m from me, the hind busted and he followed suit. No chance for a shot. Still a great hunt.