Cheers! We were filthy by the end of it. Another big 10pt and solid fallow buck taken. Great trip, late July. @RUMPY
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Cheers! We were filthy by the end of it. Another big 10pt and solid fallow buck taken. Great trip, late July. @RUMPY
Another stag for Spence and a respectable fallow buck for myself, as seen in the magazine section.
Attachment 258235
Attachment 258236
@TLB great buck
Go young Spence....that smile says it all. Good on you lad,great going Dad
Woow that buck is big,well done.
Posted in the taxidermy section already but thought I'd put in her too. A very memorable hunt with my old man back in July produced this great buck. Still stoked with him, almost ready to come inside as a euro mount.
Attachment 258241
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Attachment 258243
Bruiser buck!
That's a ripper buck, nice!
A late one before they all shed. Last evening.
Attachment 258596
That Buck will score very good if your interested in that sort of thing , cracker Buck
Very nice Caribou and moose, gotta love hunting in that part of the world.
Were both taken by the same hunter ? Either of those easily worth a left gonad.
Is the season finished yet ?
No two different hunters.
That moose is a ripper.
58 1/2 inch Boone and Crockett book bull.
Called him in over a lake. Died 40 yards from the lake shore so no carrying involved.
450 yard shot with a 300 Remington Ultra Mag.
Had seven wolves on the remains. Wind got up so 450 on a wolf was a hard ask for the hunter(who usually shoots White tail from a tree stand at less than fifty), so no wolves were harmed.
Moose season finished a couple of days ago. Caribou finish in two days.
The Caribou is very nice too but not a book bull.
The Moose picture looks like creative photography, but I'm sitting wedged between him and a log. My knees are hard against his ribs so as close as I can get. He probably weighs north of 650 kgs so rolling him around for pictures isn't easy.