Need a quesstimate, 160-165 Ds
And Rumpy, it looks more like Micky ducks fave wallaby spot.
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Carl have a look in the Magazine under Notes for old codgers page 3.
I HATE gorse.dirty mongrel bastard of a weed. Lovely stag.
about 1.5ks back from farmedge, patches of gorse scattered in pockets further back, that place has every prickly bastard tree in NZ waiting for ya if ya take the wrong ridge back to the farm, a delightful mix of 4m high blackberry, with hawthorn hedge + gorse thrown in to top off .... the rusa love the blackberry
Got myself a unicorn today.
Attachment 257677
I saw my first shedded stag of the season a few days ago.
Big boys on farms have dropped.
Not often i get to squeeze the trigger these days, shot this stag on day 2 of a 9 day backpack hunt, public land. Very chuffed
Attachment 258166
Looks like that pack needed some blood on it [emoji106] Well done!
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Yes another new ish pack, I have a problem
Taken me the best part of thirty-five years to get me a royal... Yip one very short tine bey/trey? But he is all mine,public land bush stalked stag. My young bitch did ok tagging along.she had told me something was up earlier before couple or three deer took off. We just kept mousing along.looked down about eighty yards n saw deer looking at me.yip live n alert BOOM goes 270 and it didn't even get up out of its bed. Let Poppy find it. Absolutely stoked.
Good stuff Micky Duck, cracking bush stag :thumbsup:
Congrats Micky.
Well done mate, bloody good those 270's
Attachment 258218 out hole of speer 170grn round nose. Lost maybe cup full of shoulder meat. Right projectiles in right place.
Well done @hotsoup, 9 days is pretty epic for a backpack hunt.
What a blooming ripper mate. Good on you and your trophy and some well earned venison. No doubt poppy is lying by yourside getting a well earned belly rub haha
So stoked for you @Micky Duck, nice to see you finally get a good stag out of there after all these years looking.
Well done MD,pleased for you.Not a rutted stag either,meat will be good.
Good on ya @Micky Duck great cartridge too!
Like your work MD
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Cool story, perseverance pays off, and yep the good old 270gets the job done, enjoy the spoils of the hunt.
Cheers! We were filthy by the end of it. Another big 10pt and solid fallow buck taken. Great trip, late July. @RUMPY
Another stag for Spence and a respectable fallow buck for myself, as seen in the magazine section.
Attachment 258235
Attachment 258236
@TLB great buck
Go young Spence....that smile says it all. Good on you lad,great going Dad
Woow that buck is big,well done.
Posted in the taxidermy section already but thought I'd put in her too. A very memorable hunt with my old man back in July produced this great buck. Still stoked with him, almost ready to come inside as a euro mount.
Attachment 258241
Attachment 258242
Attachment 258243
Bruiser buck!
That's a ripper buck, nice!
A late one before they all shed. Last evening.
Attachment 258596
That Buck will score very good if your interested in that sort of thing , cracker Buck