Very nice. I do miss chasing the Japs.
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Yes !! @Mohawk .308 - you going to mount it ??
Beautiful looking animal - hard to beat the Sika fineness and lines and colors etc
Mohawk 308 - 243 nice little rifles ah
That's a ripper Sika Mohawk 308.
Holy shit what a sika!
He should score well as he is very even, but as stated score isn't everything, eye appeal is important also and he looks good.
Attachment 109677
11pt Stag from East Cape a week ago. Moaning with a few Hinds in tow. My uncles best stag to date, very happy for him and satisfying as he taught me 15 years ago to hunt, so to witness this all unfold was a privilege.
Attachment 109688
just got back from weekend down Opotiki way. I have been up and down there a bit over last three weeks with the roar being a bit patchy.
Heard this fella moaning and closed distance on him in his rohe.
Gave him a moan and he trotted straight along his track and into a 165gr speer at 20m.
Wouldn't mind a few more that behave like that.
Well done stevo!
Attachment 109744
Got this guy on Sunday. Still roaring not hard out though. Managed to coax him in.stoked
Love ya laser dogs eyes there @Chur Bay is that in the Kaimais?
Nah. Further south.
Attachment 109838
First public land fallow stag.
Watched him come in croaking hard and steal the ladies off another young fulla. Left him for the afternoon to do his thing then came back in the evening to turn him into sausages.
Pretty badly hurt when he was young, hence the deformed right side.
Mature 8 year old!
Loved it, he is going on the wall. Total trophy!!
Flew the old boy up for his 60th and we managed to get his first Ruahine red, a nice 9 point stag.
Attachment 109908
Shit hot:thumbsup:
Nice work guys
Am I correct in thinking that we got through this year's roar without a major firearms safety incident? No one has been shot accidentally?
Could be right, but that's a good thing I think in light of the current gun situation.
Very true - though duck shooting season just around the corner..
Yeah I was thinking with all the heat recently if we had a hunting mishap or worse a death they’ll look at snatching it away.
Beautiful stags boys !
Attachment 110005
That's a nice fallow head in the middle @Tahr
Rutting tonight and holding a hind. A not very flash 8 pointer.
Attachment 110369
Nice, Tilly looks pleased.
Thanks. She should be. I couldn't find it for ages and had given up, but after I had climbed up the slip I shot it on a bit she ducked into the bush and found it about 25 yards away. I had been looking too low down, but once she crossed the scent on the slip it was easy peasy for her. That's a problem with the Barnes - not much of a blood trail - in this case not even a drop.
Strange the exit wound looks bloody, usually if the bullet exits you do get a trail, that's where a good dog earns her keep. What caliber, 270 WSM ?
Went out tonight and lucked onto this chap freshening himself up after the roar.
Attachment 110752
Very nice:cool:
What sort of Douglas score would that be? Ballpark?