Congrats, very nice head showing the strength of Windsor blood lines that first stocked the area. A nice throw back throw back on the left tops.
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Congrats, very nice head showing the strength of Windsor blood lines that first stocked the area. A nice throw back throw back on the left tops.
That's a awesome stag @craigc love the curves of the tines.
Outstanding Treys
Nice head @craigc that first pick I thought I spied a red ear tag:o
Nar just someone thinks his moderator is electric ;) must work you shocked him :thumbsup:
Nicce work, well done Eva on the tracking!
You beauty @craigc
@Pop Shot Shame he didn't pop out when you were up there with Craig.
awesome head...give that dog a pat,great work Eva....
That's a great head. Really good to see some good blood in the North island free rang herd.
You should ask @craigc to post a pic of all of his Rimutaka heads lined up - they are an outstanding collection.
Best show off my head as well.
First my son's then my head. Sons is a typical inland Otago head, a little on the small side but a nice 12 pointer for a teenager's first head.
Mine was a large bodied heavy 15 pointer. Both free range shot on private land. Mine was shot a couple of kilometers away from my son's and was not far from the deer fence onto a game farm. Possibly attracted by the hind's behind the wire as i saw several, one was a really wide and long 12 pointer but was weak in the lower points.
From the look of mine I would say he has some imported blood.
Attachment 111881
Possibly not the best photo of the lad and his deer but he dose not like having images posted so this covers his face to some extent.
It fell about 40 mtr down the hill and broke off in the skull.
Attachment 111882
Bugger did not want that sideways image to come up
Holly cow that’s huge @ZQLewis was it feeding on them little blue pills?:o:XD:;)
Big sucker alright, Big front end, shoulders, forelegs etc but thin in the back end.
I think I got lucky and picked up one that had some escaped blood lines.
Two very nice stags, the 15 is a thumper Well Done to you both.
Shit what a thumper of a 15, good work!
Thanks Guy's,
Over 3 days we saw a few stag's, The full range from 4 to 14 points and 2 really nice ones. My 15 and a 16. The 16 was much lighter timbered and not as wide.
The other that got my attention was a wide strong 12 pointer but I left him as his lower points where weak.
Big country but you can see a few animals if you get some height and sit and glass.
This is one of the Valleys we hunted. Saw several deer in that far basin above the tree line but we did not have to go that far. After checking the valley out hunted off a stock trail about 2/3 the way up from the valley floor.
Attachment 111949
Was bush stalking for a hind,took this guy out with a running shot when I saw his head cos I felt bad for himAttachment 112209Attachment 112210
Hard case head on that one @Yesmate, nice shot placement too.
Yesmate, Dam fine shot, standing at a moving target and a neck shot.
Think you did all future hunters in the area a favor taking him out of the gene pool.
Attachment 112722
Turns out fallow bucks don't like 160gr TMKs.
242 DS ;-) taxidermist is sorting him out for me as a shoulder mount.
That's a beauty fallow buck, they sure do look nice with those big palmns.
What a ripper buck, well done!
Fat buck!
some times you get lucky .... late May guided hunt on Otago high country station, just before the weather crapped itself.
Day 1 we lucked out with a ripper fallow buck. However getting onto a big red stag was going to be more difficult as all the big boys "disappear" post roar, that's if they have not been taken out during the roar. Sighted this huge stag right on dark with a couple of spikers and another decent stag (10 or 12?) failing light and he did not stick around. Light & range was not conducive to a shot & did not want to risk a wounded animal so we left them undisturbed, trusting the feed would hold them in the general area over night. And we'd have a chance to catch them feeding up first light before they made their way back into the scrub. Long story short we very lucky, found the spikers & eventually after a tricky stalk the big boy feeding up in one of guts that ran back to the scrub. Biggest stag and timber I've ever come across, measured at 382 DS. Stoked !
Tribute to the local knowledge and skills of the guide for making this possible.
Attachment 112742
Attachment 112743
Attachment 112744
@chainsaw was that thing behind a fence?serious question as a few of the comments in the write up sound as tho it may have been wild.
Thumper of a stag. We'll done!
Few Stags from this year Private Land free range. North Canterbury.
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@chainsaw that's a real cracker stag, I have a mate who hunts down that way for Fallow and Reds on a big station his son guides on. Was your guides name Jerrad by any chance? They have shot some very nice stags there also.
@Goosebayhunter that is an impressive line up of stags you have posted, Well Done.
Thanks @Mooseman, guide was a great guy named Bruce.
interesting that he hasnt completely stripped his velvet...I shot a stag late in roar a couple of years back with just a wee bit left on same as your fella...left it in place for added character.
a ripper of astag yours is to be sure,awesome genetics getting around and they are getting old enough to grow out properly.
Still Private land , not free range !!!
Technically speaking every single deer is not free range then. Most of the places where red deer where first liberated are private land. Especially in the raikaia catchment.
A lot of owners down otago have spent a huge about of effort and energy on herd management. And the same result would happen if we had the same Attitude for public hunting without every Tom dick and Harry trashing it, shooting every Stag they see that is immature, smashing all the spikes in spring.
If a property has a sheep fence on the boundary of Doc I'll certainly wait till it jumps into the doc so it's free range.. Said no one ever.
Its about congratulating guys on a lovely stag not having a cry to think whatever you thinks better. Didn't your mum ever teach you if you don't have anything good to say don't say it?
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Good response:thumbsup: , coming from the man that shoots giraffes
If you can't congratulate someone for their success then you should leave zack. This post is for people to share their trophies, if you want to debate private vs Crown vs behind the wire please do this elsewhere. It's comment's like yours that stop people sharing.
Goosebayhunter that is a fantastic line up of stags.