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Thats some impressive heads Chainsaw and Goosebay.
I was lucky to spend a few hours flying around one of those large Otago stations with the owner back in spring 2017. He was mustering stock and we where spotting deer.
Would definitely call that free range private land and DOC grazing lease. They do manage the hunting pressure and selectively cull poor heads to increase the trophy valve.
Common practice on many private land blocks. Seen it on fallow blocks as well. Watched the disturbed deer bolt into the Doc land, then they come out to graze.
Got to see some of the international trophy heads on the fenced blocks earlier this year and they are massive. Personally I find them ugly with all the down turned growth and parmated tops, but International hunters pay good money and that keeps money flowing in and some of those genetics do make it into the wild herd.
Have a picture of one on the back of a guide's ute at the camping ground and it was ugly but probably rated as a Super Gold to the hunter and his guide.
Nice 13 we got last Friday. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...a19281ec16.jpg
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Thats got good width to it.!
@turtle I wouldn't worry to much what people think regarding shooting animals on private land as I think it is probably a case of sour grapes for those that find something to moan about. Post it up , keen to see it.
As 300wsm for life said this thread is for those showing us there hard earned trophies so leave the negative comments out, please.
This is one thread I always look forward to checking out to see what successes have been achieved.
Nice stag.
Nice animal, and super dark stain timber. Well done
Great animal, I missed a good stag a few weeks back with black antlers like that. Well Done guys.
Attachment 112855Sika Stag From the roar, shot this guy roaring hard from 10 paces! good times!
@zack if you are a purist that's great, but a true purist would realise that most of the game animals we have here in NZ came from fenced game parks and are therefore domesticated deer and not really the same as true wild deer in their native habitat. You will have to stop hunting in NZ if you want to remain true to your values.
Enjoy your purist red deer hunting in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Spain, Poland, GDR, Scotland, Turkey, oh bugger, they all have managed wild herds and have for hundreds of years. So the reality of hunting is that it is managing game animals to balance their environment. This is how it has been for hundreds of years.Attachment 112857
The Great Hall at Moritzburg
@stagslayer I enjoyed your vid too thanks
@Tahr - His videos are some of my favourite on YouTube.
No fancy carry on, just honest hunting.
Have a link to the vid? Cheers:thumbsup: @Pop Shot
i think he was more referring to fenced in as less of a hunting challenge as opposed to a true wild public land animal(which is far far different to something on a station).I agree with zack in that it’s still a fenced animal and shot as opposed to hunted.The animals on this station May be able to roam into public land but won’t as their foodsupply on the farm will be top notch and there whereabouts at almost all times will be known by the guide/farmer.
Have either you @Yesmate or zack ever hunted on a station? Yes they have better genetics as access is controlled but they are certainly not any easier to hunt. I get the chance twice a year(max) to hunt a station in marlborough for a meat animal only. Certainly not an easy hunt, these are wild deer and not fenced. I personally prefer hunting Crown land as I am free to wander anywhere I am allowed to. When people refer to behind the fence it is a reference to deer fences not sheep fences. Please just stick to congratulating.
ive shot a few animals on private land and hunted a few on doc land.i did say well done to chainsaw in a previous post cos it’s a beauty head and he’s chipper with his kill but let’s keep it real mate we all have differing views on what hunting is and I like hearing everyone’s view on it,for me hunting is 90/10,finding an animal 90 shooting it 10.
Yes we all do have different views, but this post was just for photos and not debate.
Who said?
Attachment 112744[/QUOTE]
Geez that is a beast alright , well done
Those Moritzburg trophies were actually bred in a park - as in farmed. The heads in pubs around Saxony were quite ordinary just like a good bush stag shot here. The heads at the hunting castles are quite different. Those deer were selectively bred in the 'Park' and when there was to be a 'Hunt' deer and Boars would be run into a smaller enclosure of about 3 hectares and whilst the 'gentle crowd' watched, cheered and applauded from the bleachers, gallant gents would step forward and shoot with crossbow or with spear and lance battle a cornered animal.
At the end of the days entertainment the guests would retire to the castle for feasting, drinking, dancing and rooting, judging from the muraled walls.Attachment 113147
Attachment 115512Attachment 115512Attachment 115513sika stag i got on a random afternoon hunt a few weeks back
Good length and spread. Well done
Tonight in the rain (again).
Attachment 115542
Attachment 115543
Nice one, seen thta on the sambar rusa site, well done
nice 11 Thar, looks like a ruahine stag?
What is the Sambar / Rusa site ? Be keen to check that out...cracking Rusa that...