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Thread: Stay safe out there.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Stay safe out there.

    Story from social media this evening. Good on the person for sharing i thought. Interesting

    Went out for a roar early this morning. Walked 45 minutes out into the back of a native block (public land) to a massive ridge in the area. Was a bit after 7am and had let out a few roars when I heard an animal coming in fast from about 60 metres away. No roaring but he was coming in fast.

    He got about 30mtrs out from me and I could clearly see his neck moving behind the scrub heading to my left. I was ready. Left hand on the front stock and right hand on the bolt knowing I was going to have to load up fast and aim even faster because he was so quick and close.

    I was counting down in my head to that moment where I have to make a choice about my shot placement once he shows himself fully and I had fast. 3-2-1 and there he was...... Another hunter!!!!!

    HEY HEY HEY HEY I yelled and not sure who got the bigger fright, me or him. My gun was and stayed the whole time with NO bullet in the breach and aimed 12 or so inches to the left of my left foot towards the ground. His weapon was also pointed in a safe direction.

    Will finish the story shortly after I give a bit of insight into always expecting what you think is coming is actually another person NO MATTER where you are!!!!

    We were in a Doc block. End of a long road, last track on that road, only campsite along that track and this is the "best" and "fastest" way to access the area I was hunting BUT not the only way. Keep in mind people can walk to any location from anywhere if they are dedicated so always expect the unexpected.

    I admit that I "assumed" me and my mate were the only people hunting that area and I was wrong. I "assumed" that if people were going to hunt back that far in this location that they would come in from this track as its the only track that leads to that area (public track) and boy was I wrong. As they say assumptions are the mother of all fu&k ups.

    We had been in since Friday evening and only come across one other hunter within a ten km radius and he had given us clear details as to his hunting intentions which was no where remote to us, in fact it was over ten km away (he was taking a quad into the back country) so we felt we were the only ones in the area.

    Back to my encounter... This gentlemen was wearing bright blaze orange. Before anyone gets on a high horse read and put yourself in my boots. I have been hunting all my life. Had my fal for nearly 3 decades. I have been told by certain friends that I am the safest person to be around with a firearm in my care. If I am not working I am hunting and have shot literally hundreds if not thousands of deer (done a few years of culling)

    When he was coming up to me I seen his blaze, sun behind me shining on the green leaves adding a bit of shadowing in the background (no making excuses but this could have been a tragedy so setting the scene) and honestly his blaze looked tan and it was real clean and bright blaze, like brand new but under the lighting and where he was positioned taking into account he had dark pants on his pants looked to be the dark mane and brisket of a stag and his blaze to be his hind quarters. I am writing this reluctantly as I can feel the hate already forming from the keyboard warriors but want to bring awareness to fellow hunters about identifying your target 100% beyond all doubt.

    As I said I have shot hundreds of deer so my eye are honed but I was absolutely taken back by this experience. My eyes tricked me. They seen a stags neck and brisket. The one thing I am thankful for and the other hunter should be more so thankful for is I will NEVER load a rifle or allow anyone with me to do so until I can see the animals head.

    Once you can see an animals head you can tell its sex. You get a rough idea of body condition. You can make a choice where to place your shot and you have just identified your target 100% beyond all doubt.

    I am shocked about this situation mainly because my eyes played tricks on me but also becauae blaze orange is not as safe as you think. People can pop up anywhere. Expect the unexpected.

    So please guys and girls IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET 100% BEYOND ALL DOUBT!!!!! I swore what I first seen was a stag coming at me and I am glad I think the way I do and that the outcome of this encounter was how it was because this could have ended in a tragedy.
    veitnamcam, mikee, 308 and 14 others like this.



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