Ah so thats were the Jagermeister (Master Hunter) logo comes from.
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I refuse to go into the bush when the tops are waiting, just gotta tame the AATH/WARO activity and break it so we can control it. Then we can have better trophy hunting on the tops instead of WARO/AATH left overs.
You have failed miserably for the last 8 years.😆 Just accept it.
Even The GAC was/is a joke.
Why don't you just accept that AATH and WARO are here to stay and find ways to get ahead of them so you can finally enjoy the outdoors.
If you put as much effort into your hunting as you did whinging about the politics, that effects hunting you might find you can be like most of us on this forum and get on with it.
I emplore you not to bring your bitter extremist ways to this forum please.
Yourself and some others are the reason a lot of us are on and enjoying this forum and have never looked back.
Any fight against DOC and it's commercializing of our land needs a different face fronting it than you and your like, being reactive and not proactive.
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I won the NZDA nationals with a trophy chamois this year, NZDA I can take or leave just making the point I do hunt.
Those views you expressed are merely that your opinion nothing else I have been a member of this forum years before you.
I can smell the AVgas on your breath R93
AATH needs to be shut down it is not acceptable on public land. Nothing has changed. WARO needs to be rationalised and stripped of the privileged status it enjoys in terms of access. WARO is required in any future management but in a very different role and with significant efficiencies applied to it.
People like you R93 like to think you can just conduct business on public land with no regard for the public.
There is no deer menace anymore there is no shortage of skid biters who want to fly on public land.
New Zealand recreational users just need to be a little more fussy over who gets to conduct business on public land and ensure New Zealanders get the benefits not the operators.
You finally get around to wondering about trophy integrity and question hunting values, only after you actually got out of your helicopter and shot a stonker on private land. Good for you enjoy the trophy, R93 you have supported AATH in the past and your last post accepts and condones AATH's presence. You might want to explore ethic a bit further and re-evaluate ethics and WARO/AATH.
You asked me to refrain from posting and ruining you and your mates peaceful little valley in huntingandshootingland.... Try not to think of me as a troll. Rather think of me as an internet form of AATH/WARO flying into your, R93's huntingandshootingland, fucking up your online time and not caring. Hows it feel?
Don't worry I won't post too much and will leave well enough alone. Think about it though....
Edit to add that trophy buck I shot had a serious but almost healed injury on his pad, given his size 10.5 inches its likely he had been AATH'd. He also had a broken femur which had completely healed.
How about this have permission to post up shot this morning, free range.
Will go 300+
Quick get that tunstin fulla, you've found his moose:thumbsup:
Bloody nice!
My bet is it was shot on an AATH trip, after being hazed by a machine on the back of a farm, for a big fat narcissistic American SCI member for a shit load of money then flown to a more scenic site for photos, whilst wearing a tinfoil hat, just prior to the same machine dropping 1080 specifically targeting deer and waterways, with the antlers being used by Simon Barnett for a costume in Dancing with the Stars, and the backsteaks being bought-to-order by the gay team on Masterchef.
Please tell me if I missed a conspiracy
It was this buck or 5 Kereru, but they mysteriously disappeared.
Probably right KJ but what a beast of an animal. Simply stunning. 😆
Palms are amazing.
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Ah Ken finally found a moose in Fiordland...:D
I thought all the big Fallow were over here in the UK.....not so ! That is the best Fallow ive seen, love to see somemore photos !!!
This and your previous comments are personal and highly emotionally charged bullshit Shaun, and you know that you wouldn't get away with it at the pub you normally frequent. Its a shame that you had to step through this door to do it. Maybe revealing the true self.
I don't know R93 from a bar of soap, but the guy shot a great head and this thread is about celebrating it and discussing various aspects of trophy recording and origins.
You can take your bitterness and politics, and stick them up your AATH.