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Thread: Subsonic and quiet loads for hoppers and the odd Fallow

  1. #1
    sneakywaza I got
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Subsonic and quiet loads for hoppers and the odd Fallow

    Getting some of Roberts 151 cast hp's for the 308 shorty bp, want to know how they go at killing hoppers and deer, shot placement for maximum effect at what ranges would be appreciated from those with practical experience using them on animals. There are places I don't pop hoppers because it would disturb the other 4 legged occupants of the area. I have a little Trailboss, no objections to hearing about alternate powder options either.

    Ta in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Southern Alps
    Have shot at about a dozen hoppers with 308 subs.Shots seem to go thru them.Only about 4 fell over,rest stumbled,run away.Shots seem to go clean thru them.Distance only about 30 mtrs max.Guy in Nelson did the reloads,dont no the mix.I still have a couple of subs here if you like to pull to bits and sus out.
    257weatherby and Moa Hunter like this.

  3. #3
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Shoot for CNS.

    Haven’t used the 151gr on hoppers but have shot a lot of goats, several pigs and four red deer with them, sneaky sneaky get real close. Depending on the animal’s position I pick either back of head / atlas vertebrae or high shoulder / spine. Haven’t had any difficulty dropping animals. Mostly 25-40m type shooting.

    Have shot some goats across the vitals from rear to front and they’ve fallen over after stumbling around a bit.

    The one shot I wouldn’t take is a broadside lung shot. Bullet will just past through like a FMJ.

    Have also shot plenty of rabbits with these bullets out to 80m or thereabouts. No problems with accuracy once you’ve learnt the drops and good practice (very satisfying thwop effect).
    257weatherby likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    North Canterbury
    Even the 44 with XTP 300's pass through roos and leave them swaying and moving off.
    Based on the photos posted by Rossi 45, I would be going with the biggest metplat projectile I could get and in very soft lead and shoot for the spine because the chest area of a wally is so narrow, subs dont seem to cause much disruption - shoot them in the back - wallys are criminals anyway
    Trout likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    I've used them on goats...great for head shooting! as mentioned above, if not hitting bone they tend to go straight through the target. Fun to shoot em' though, nice and quiet with no recoil

  6. #6
    Gone but not forgotten
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    7-8 grains of Trailboss should be subsonic in a 308 with Robert’s 151’s.
    My 24” 1:12 twist is 7.5 grains, the 16.5” 1:8 twist is 8 grains.
    Other projectiles can be very different loads, the Sub-X needs 11 grains in my shorty.
    Trout likes this.

  7. #7
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    will ring you bud.....but as others have said,its a bit hit n miss.....if you hit spine etc great,if you miss spine etc not so good.
    257weatherby likes this.



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