Been following Trap and Trigger pest control business for a while, and they’ve shared some info. Looks like SUNDAY the current events show is doing a story on NZ deer population, which features them. Be interesting to see how balanced it is, hopefully having Jordan and the team on there will help the situation.
I saw through their social media that they’d been culling parts of Queen Charlotte Sound, I was in Bay of Many Coves in late March and couldn’t believe how bare the bush was from right behind peoples house, right to the ridge tops. You could easily see 100 - 200 yards through the bush in most areas. The only thing left under the main canopy was the Punga and Supplejack.
Turns out they come into that bay and a few other surrounding bays, and culled with chopper and thermal in May. Was all paid for by the bays residents.
I asked them to send me a map of all the GPS marks. Pretty interesting. I’m not sure what’s considered a high population but the area shown is not very big in the grand scheme of things.