I tend to like "conventional" type meals, dont like 'em too hot or spicy. Backcountry have lots of choices, and good descriptions on their website/order form and I just went through and picked ones that fitted with what I eat at home and my mates picked their choices. The Big Breakfast is a pretty decent meal, and heats up well, but I cant have salt and its too salty for me. But it is a popular start to a day on the hill for a lot of guys. As @podocarp has said, its very easy to make a dehi meal even better with the addition of something simple like corn chips and cheese. some of the meals have the dehi spuds in a separate pkt inside and it makes up as a 2 or 3 part meal instead of just one big hot pot. Dehi onions and eggs are an easy extra to take to jazz a meal up. Or extra dehi rice.
I bought the last order for a 10 day trip for 6 of us. One thing that i find important is to take some "fat" to add to the meals. Fat cant be dehydrated and dehi meals have no fat. A knob of butter or some oil in the meal adds a bit to the flavour, but also leaves you feeling full after you've eaten and you dont get to the end of a trip wanting to stop off at the closest Macka's or fish and chip shop. The fat or oil can also then be used to fry up some fresh meat or fish to add to your meal. And I also carry a small pkt of "coat and cook" for freshly caught fish.
When I was guiding in Canada, we also had access to several dehi desserts, stuff that would make you wonder what it was gonna be like, or how the hell they even dehi'd it to get it in a packet. But I never found any that didnt taste as you would expect. Dont be scared to try some of what is available.