New to the forum (& hunting in general). I recently purchased a 308 and bought a DPT suppressor, however they shipped a 30 cal. Is 308 normally referred to as 30 cal?
New to the forum (& hunting in general). I recently purchased a 308 and bought a DPT suppressor, however they shipped a 30 cal. Is 308 normally referred to as 30 cal?
Yip thats correct .30 cal fot .308
30 cal covers all cartridges that use a .308 size bullet:
.308 Win (probably what you have?)
300 blackout
300 WSM
.308 Norma Mag
Etc etc
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Even magnums like 300 Win Mag will still be designated as 30 cal. But the suppressor itself is bigger so you do need the magnum model. There's just more hot gas to contain.
Quite often you can use a smaller calibre bullet through in suppressor and the manufacturer will give a range.
eg for DPT the next size down is ".27 - 7mm" which is 0.277" to 0.284". Don't use this for a 308 !
DPT are good. They will have given you the right suppressor fort your gun.
and with the suppressor, just wind him on hand tight?
And remove it after use. Don’t store w it on
I dry mine by the fireside before hiding
DPT have instructions how to maintain it.
They suggest taking apart the modules and spraying with CRC 5.56 or WD40 after use. You'd have to ask them just what this is supposed to do but it seems to work for me.
Most people use as Lithium grease on the threads at the muzzle. Lithium greases are temperature tolerant and a suppressor can get hot, not to mention flame from the muzzle flash forcing into threads and stuff. It's also waterproof, which not all greases are.
Suppressors accumulate hard deposits which can crumble off and damage threads and also make it difficult to take it apart. Something in the fumes also damages barell steel if left a long time. The tip of the barrel will turn black but that's no worry. If you like you can get it off by rubbing hard with a rag and powder solvent like Hoppes No. 9 or KG1.
If sighted in without suppressor should you re-sight in after suppressor is installed????
Yes, there is usually a change of impact between on and off. Different rifles and suppressors have different amount of change of POI. Have found with the lighter module models available it's far less than with the early heavyweight models that first arrived on the scene.
Yes there will be a difference in point of impact between the two. It's due to the added weight of the suppressor changing the barrel harmonics and is, so just shoot suppressor on and off record the clicks difference and you can use dial between the settings.
Most people would sight in suppressor on and record the unsupressed poi figure.
I don't think it's been mentioned but the rear bushing on the supressor needs to be reemed out to be a nice fit around the barrel. If you told DPT your barrel length the bushing is probably already the right size.