WTF? Who do I have to explain what to? Yeah I am ok.....for now. Probably because of years of adapting and hard work. Read it how ya like.
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For many years now they have been trying to get the last rabbit and have they? no and they never will.
Thar have been on the hit list for a very long time,recovery for the meat,live capture,Govt cullers,search and destroy missions bla,bla.
Regardless of what DOC think or spout they would have more chance pissing in the Queens hat than getting the last one,fact.
Yes they will take a huge hammering in the open shale and tussock areas but their saviour is the WestCoast srub & forested areas and lets face it there's no shortage.
Spending many years chasing around after thar one becomes quite familiar as such. I'm guessing the Bulls that R93 is referring to
would be what the old cullers referred to as scrub Bulls,I could be wrong,,a term we used for the thar that basically stayed in the high scrub/forest. The big boys were/are happy to spend their retirement in such areas, popping out for only short periods.
We should remember that tahr numbers got down to 2000ish in the past, I wouldn’t put it past Sage & co to change the law to allow them to target them on private land. They have been given 1.1billon to spend, that should concern us! The use of Thermal gear makes it a lot harder for animals to hide.
The hunting opportunities in the 80’s were terrible, we don’t want to go back to that.
Game animals on private land will not be safe from you know who, I would almost bet on that.
Very simple for the powers to be to come up with a law as you mention.
Could you imagine DOC allowing animals to cross over into THIER land after they have spent zillions ,nah.
I have read somewhere that they want all our game animals gone and that order is not coming from within our Government.
There is an agenda in place and the Sage lady and her followers will back it all the way :)
ok,I dont as a rule target thar....cant be arsed walking that far or hard to shoot an animal to eat that isnt high on my favourite meat list.
private land is a double edged sword
if say Gary Roonie has got 1500 animals on his stew point safari block
and Eugene n co want 10,000 animals IN TOTAL left after the culls have done thier dirty work.....thats 1500 LESS animals that can be on public land to keep within that total.
sure the animals there behind wire/over boundary CAN walk out and repopulate other areas (as lilybank did for years) BUT its a slippery slope and a simple rule change could see the private land animals targeted too...for better or worse.
Any news from the Tahr Foundation ( with all our $) on this?
They put this on Facebook.
Last paragraph is pleasing to read.
NZ Tahr Foundation
Just a quick up date from the Tahr Foundation.
You may have recently seen media reports of a resumption of tahr control.
No formal control plan has as yet been agreed to, the Tahr Liaison group is set to meet on the 19th of this month to consider a draft plan for the period June 20/20 to June 20/21.
The Department and Ngai Tahu have been engaging with all stake holders to hear their views on what form control should take over this period.
The Tahr Foundation takes the view that it is now time to focus on research before any further reduction in tahr numbers. Any control work for the next 12 months should be focused on the exclusion zones and tahr out side the feral range.
Bull numbers in the National Parks will be reduced already due to the activities of recreational hunters who are active right now. There will be less bulls returning to those parks after the rut than were present in the spring of 2019.
The Nation Parks are as much about recreation as conservation, bulls are the main incentive for hunters to visit the parks and kiwi recreational hunters are not only the main visitors to recreate in the parks but also contributors to conservation by removing tahr.
Any attempt to target what is left of the bulls in the parks has no basis in sound management and will be resisted.
Copied and pasted from that facebook page.
It has come to my attention, 4 June, 2020, that:
"Forest & Bird (have) filed paperwork with the High Court to ensure that the Dept of Conservation reduces Tahr to the lowest possible levels in National Parks, this winter. This means that DOC are likely to be targeting all Tahr, of all ages and sexes."
"Legal action is now being taken against DoC with regard to not following the law for Tahr in National Parks. It seems the Tahr Liaison Group members are part of this action."
"Ngai Tahu is a co-designer in the 2020/21 Tahr Control Plan so their perspective, whatever that is, needs to be made public."
picked this off facebook ,anybody else seen it,or heard if its true
Forest and bird intend to take Doc to court to ensure the Tahr population is reduced to no more than 10000 as is the population limit in the Himalayan Tahr plan 1993.
They are still saying the Tahr population is sitting around 35000 and therefore another 25000 Tahr need to be culled.
This is in addition to the 17000 culled last year (12000 public land and 5000 private land according to some sources).
No one really knows what the population currently is sitting at, so one would have thought there needs to be a scientific evaluation of the population and the effects on the environment.
The other big factor is that the Tahr plan states there to be zero Tahr in Mount Cook national park and also Westland national park which includes alot of good Tahr country
Forest and bird will end Tahr hunting in these areas if they are successful by their court action in ensuring the plan is strictly adhered to.
Just gotta suspect that DoC are unenthusiastic about reviewing the '93 plan because its likley that the 10 000 max population will be at risk of being pushed up......and with en election coming up you'd expect the Minister is motivated to lock in a 'control' programme for the next year or 3 so that DoC can reach for that to justify their activities over the next little while regardless of what the election dishes up.
And the big question is how does this 10000 figure fit with the populations on the private country vs public land?
Recreational vs commercial guiding interests? what is more important? money vs recreation?
How do you value recreation and does it hold any value in the eyes of conservationists?
This makes for horrible reading.
I remember the days when there were just 2000 tahr left, that is basically NO tahr per sq km. 10000 animals to hunt at that time seemed like a magic figure.
Yogi you raise some interesting questions.
Why can't us rec hunters who numbers about 80,000 so i have read in the past and members on these hunting forums vote at elections to get the best party in that is in our best interest?? Now i don't wanta spell it out but with MMP, how previously has the current party got into power so easily even with NZ First & the Greens?? If you don't like the Outdoors party or ACT, well guess a chunk of rec hunters voted for what we have? Short memories i suspect on these forums?