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Thread: Tahr cull- where are we at now?

  1. #1
    Member yogi's Avatar
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    Jul 2012

    Tahr cull- where are we at now?

    As you all know the Tahr cull was started last year under the direction of Doc and the personal agenda of Eugenie sage following controversial and contentious population surveys that was initiated by Doc.
    The opposition was vast and the calls for unaccountably from various parties with interests in the Tahr herd resulted in a huge response.
    The Tahr cull was suspended for various reasons as we all know.

    What is happening now??

    According to various sources the Tahr cull will commence again shortly

    It seems to be accepted that the population is around the estimate of 35000 and that this still breaches the limits of the plan and there will be a dramatic reduction of the Tahr herd in the upcoming months.
    This means it will be the intention of the cull to remove 25000 Tahr which will bring it in line with the plan.

    This will be significant for the recreational hunter and the population will be at a level never seen before by many hunters of today's times.
    Tahr hunting opportunities and the trophies we are seeing these days have probably never been better. Possibly a period of time that may never be repeated depending upon the outcome of this upcoming Tahr.

    I would like to hear updates from Nz Tahr foundation to keep us informed??

    The debate and the awareness needs to be opened up again.
    Shearer, WallyR and whirehair like this.
    Save our Tahr. They belong in the southern alps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    A timely post, Yogi.

    Interesting to read in the link you posted "As part of the Zero Invasive Predators research project, several hundred nannies and juveniles were recently taken out of the Perth/Whataroa."

    I wonder if ZIP would be so kind as to join the dots for me, and explain the rationale for the 'removal' of the nannies and juveniles?

  3. #3
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Its probably like Japanese scientific whaling, an excuse to get a job done pretending its a science project except I bet none of it was eaten.
    Its a cull shooting, females is the accepted method of reducing the populaton.
    nightowl52 likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    near Christchurch
    Since when were Tahr predators?
    nightowl52 likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If you are looking for a male tahr see if you can follow this lead.

    All male tahr left during DOC culling operations will be way-pointed and the information published on the DOC website.


    Page 11, appendix two, item 4

    Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

    T.S. Eliot

  6. #6
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    Funny thing is, it was the National Government in 2016 that introduced Predator Free 2050.

    Most people just read the highlights that targets rats, possums etc, however if the read the full document and the ancillary research reports, it's basically a nuclear bomb for all hunting and fishing in NZ. It encompasses everything from Thar, Chamois and Fallow through to Brown Trout, Mallard and Canadian Geese.

    Under the current far left Government, expect these type of programmes to be accelerated.
    Wirehunt likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiwiinSeattle View Post
    If you are looking for a male tahr see if you can follow this lead.

    All male tahr left during DOC culling operations will be way-pointed and the information published on the DOC website.


    Page 11, appendix two, item 4
    Sad part about the above document is the part half way down page 6 that still states that hunter kills will not be counted in this years cull target of 10,000 animals.

  8. #8
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauer View Post
    Since when were Tahr predators?
    they predate the mountain daisy........bloody vegan mountain goat.........
    chainsaw likes this.

  9. #9
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    ZIP were culling tahr to use the carcasses as a distraction for kea, to try minimise by kill in their operation. It was fairly well reported at the time.
    Wirehunt likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    ZIP were culling tahr to use the carcasses as a distraction for kea, to try minimise by kill in their operation. It was fairly well reported at the time.

    As far as I'm aware, cull still on hold after the helicopter tragedy last year (lose of key staff) and then the Chch tragedy (loss of key tool).

    So, I assume, tahr cull on hold until exceptions for semi-autos come through for pest professionals. This situation impacts wallaby, goat, pig, rabbit etc control on both DOC and private land. A few ticking away with semi-auto 12ga, but not as effective as an AR.
    Wirehunt and Rees like this.
    "The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dama dama View Post

    As far as I'm aware, cull still on hold after the helicopter tragedy last year (lose of key staff) and then the Chch tragedy (loss of key tool).

    So, I assume, tahr cull on hold until exceptions for semi-autos come through for pest professionals. This situation impacts wallaby, goat, pig, rabbit etc control on both DOC and private land. A few ticking away with semi-auto 12ga, but not as effective as an AR.
    Cut n paste from the tahr foundation:

    Here’s an update from Ben Reddiex at DoC on the tahr issue. We’ve had some pretty mixed weather so far for the tahr ballots, but any of you who are getting out there, make sure you shoot a few nannies while looking for that big bull, and keep recording your kills on the website.

    The following is a short update on a few tahr matters:
    • Recreational hunting
    - The Tahr Foundation, NZ Deerstalkers Association, Game Animal Council and DOC are working on a new system to accurately record and verify the number of tahr recreationally hunted.
    - A range of publicly available hunting apps have been assessed and reviewed and together we have refined the features required for the new system. We will shortly be moving to a short field trial.
    - In the interim, DOC has continued recording and collating hunting returns uploaded to the DOC website and we encourage recreational hunters to continue to log these.
    - The recreational hunting returns on the DOC website as at 30 May 2019 are shown in the table.

    • Tahr research and monitoring
    Key scientists and most Tahr Plan Implementation Liaison Group members were represented at the tahr research and monitoring workshop held at Lincoln University on 9 May.
    The purpose of the workshop was to identify key research and monitoring questions for effectively implementing the Himalayan Thar Control Plan 1993.
    - The write-up of the workshop is nearly complete and the findings will contribute to the future tahr work programme.

    • Tahr control
    No tahr control has been carried out within the seven management units this calendar year.
    From May to the end of June, DOC is focusing on controlling tahr within the exclusion zones to prevent the breeding range geographically expanding.
    DOC is continuing to search the northern and southern exclusion zones for tahr, and will continue searching other areas of public conservation land outside of the tahr management units until the end of the month.
    DOC will shortly be fitting new radio collars to tahr as part of the judas tahr programme.
    Tahr control will be undertaken across the tahr management units from 1 July to 31 August 2019 (as per the Tahr Control Operational Plan: 2018/19). This will include:
    - A request for tender (RFT) for contract control of tahr has been issued (1000 tahr in each of two areas). The RFT closed on 31 May and tenders are currently being evaluated.
    - Aerially Assisted Trophy Hunting (AATH) environmental contributions (where 5 females/juveniles are to be culled for every trophy taken by AATH concessionaires)
    - Department control
    yogi likes this.

  12. #12
    Member yogi's Avatar
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    I just hope all the good work done last year by the Tahr foundation and various interested parties have developed a reasonable relationship with Doc.
    It would be far better if all interested parties could work together and identify 'hot spot' areas that need targeted rather than the dictatorship form Doc that we were afraid would decimate the Tahr population to low levels.
    We need transparency and good open communication through the Doc website, hunting magazines and social media to keep everyone informed.
    Going back a few years ago this seemed to be happening quite well with Doc and the Tahr liaison group organizing culls and pointing hunters in the areas that need targeting.
    It simply seems to have unraveled with changes in government political parties and various Conservation ministers and their own personal views.
    Save our Tahr. They belong in the southern alps.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    back in S.E AU
    Thanks for the Update, I've been wondering this myself... local sources say its Happening again but how widespread and dramatic is it actually at this point in time and in future is something I'd be keen on hearing more aobut, simple thread like this helps.

    i've noticed alot of Aussies heading over flat out even after the ChCh drama, also seeing some BIG Bull Tahr come out from some hills too!

    One other question is where are the unspoken Chamois in all of this ? not once seen mention of the animal but in hindsight its in the same class of animal to the DoC.


  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    the poor chammy get hammered from allsides on regular basis....the waro guys do a run on them from time to time too,you can bet your left nut they take note of where they are during the times they arent targeting them so know where to head when they are. lovely little critters,personally I prefer to see/shhot/eat them to thar any day of the week.
    Rees likes this.

  15. #15
    Member nightowl52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dama dama View Post

    As far as I'm aware, cull still on hold after the helicopter tragedy last year (lose of key staff) and then the Chch tragedy (loss of key tool).

    So, I assume, tahr cull on hold until exceptions for semi-autos come through for pest professionals. This situation impacts wallaby, goat, pig, rabbit etc control on both DOC and private land. A few ticking away with semi-auto 12ga, but not as effective as an AR.
    Yup, that unfortunate helicopter accident certainly wiped that almost permanent smirk off sage's face. She should stick to what she knows best....being a rent-a-mob leftover.
    Wirehunt likes this.



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