I had the opportunity to spear tackle her a few months ago at work.
But my boss and the hr person had a quiet word with me before her visit......
My recollection from the judgement that was delivered in the LNIRDF vs DoC case was that while DoC weren't completely thrashed from a legal perspective, the comments as to their conduct certainly weren't flattering.........kinda expect something similar this time too, so those leading the charge on our behalf are hopefully anticipating that, and have a plan to exploit any negative observations.
DoC's lemon sucking attitude that no non native flora and fauna should exist in national parks is grossly bigoted nonesence IMHO because if their fanatical stupidy was carried through "broadbrush" there would be no trout or salmon or mallard duck, canada geese, or human beings either for that matter. All ski lodges, chairlifts, doc huts and tracks should also be removed. Tahr hunters frequent areas very seldom traversed by "DoC's tourists. The obsessed waste of the Tahr resource is pathetic pc incompetence leading to unbridled wasteful slaughter and very narrow minded.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Just saw an add for the project On tv3 At 7 they have the tahr story on Tonight be interesting to see what there take is
Should have known better to think it would be a good story. It’s good to get it out there in the public but for that “dick head” host at the end to say he is on the side of the native plants and IF they are eating them. How about you find out all the facts before u open your gob.
Yes. He is very "religious"
Note the comment from Tahr foundation spokesperson, that DoC notified at midnight submissions could be made snd then closed the submission time allowed to only 48 hours. Dirty dirty dirty baggages.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
It was rubbish heaps of footage of tahr motoring around filmed/chased by helicopters.
No real facts,nothing to make people think wow what neat animals.
No mention under threat in Himalayas.
Spokesperson from Tahr Foundation did her best but they had her on a skype/zoom call poor definition no real intro.
Watched it, coulda been worse.
Also coulda been a whole lot better.
But on the whole not TOO negative about tahr.
The DoC farcical public submission process clearly EXEMPLIFIES the disdain NZ Government Agencies, their staff and the NZ Parliamentary Ministers ( in this instance E. Sage) for New Zealanders and democratic fair play. The government obviously regards it's own citizens as no more than plebescite ants to be stood upon. DoC appears in this light to be a security threat to New Zealanders way of life.
What are you going to do about it "Miss transparent Prime Ministeress"? And you Mr Muller fulla; and you G Generale?
Oh of course, how silly would one actually be to assume you would do any bloodything at all ay.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Few articles coming out about deer numbers lately. Guess “awareness” is being increased to help justify future reductions of the next introduced species.
Why are we not seeing or hearing about rec hunters not permitted to fly into National Parks for hunting purposes? But AATH are permitted to drop off clients in the National Park to shoot game? This is so wrong on many levels over recent years that i would have thought this question would get some air time with media with our main support network?? Maybe Willy Duley has asked this question but it was edited out??
That article was an absolute joke. Nothing but anecdotal evidence presented. More F&B tactics to bring up the issue of introduced ungulates in the media in a time where the minister is very sympathetic indeed.
Regarding The Project last night, I've emailed the producers to express my concern about both the accuracy of the journalism and the type of imagery used.
As well as my dayjob producing the Hunters Club, I'm also a freelancer who films stories for Newshub and The Project every few months, as I'm based in an area where it's cost and time prohibitive for them to send a camera crew from the big smoke. I've told them I'll pass on future stories unless they lift their game.
I've also offered them for free some more representative footage of Tahr in a more natural state, standing proud on a snowy bluff etc, rather than looking like rats being hazed from the air. That archive material is absolutely loaded in DoC's favour, and doesn't do us hunters any favours at all. Hopefully they accept the offer.