Only problem is the bitch can do a shit load of damage by then:oh noes:
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Jim Shockey's FB quoteGetting big play in Canada on social media Thanks JimQuote:
inister of Conservation (and apparently extermination), ordered helicopter gunships to begin killing off one of the last healthy population of a beautiful wildlife species that are considered "NEAR THREATENED" on the International Union for the Conservation (IUCN) RED LIST in its native home range.
The animal is the magnificent mountain-dwelling Tahr, a shaggy coated, goat-sized animal, that has been living in the highlands of New Zealand since the first population was introduced there 1904.
As of today, the iconic wild Tahr of New Zealand, are being eradicated, destroyed; exterminated as vermin. Females, males and young sentenced to death and their bodies left to rot on the cleansed and pure Green Party hillsides of New Zealand's National Parks.
Thank you Eugenie Sage. Thank you for cleansing this earth. Thank you for coming up with this brilliant final solution.
Everyone, this is what one politician, with extreme ideological views and bestowed power, can accomplish. This is what one politician with a personal agenda, a politician bent on returning this world to their vision of utopia, is capable of doing. She has ordered the killing of tens of thousands of perfectly alive wild animals, to "preserve" New Zealand's native habitat…and yet she ignores the fact that the 27 MILLION DOMESTIC SHEEP presently residing in New Zealand have already and irrevocably changed her native land's ecosystems.
Where is the common sense today?
You can dance on my face if you want to,
It's alright. It's alright.
The Green Party is wagging New Zealand's coalition government. That is not how Democracy is supposed to work.
Why do true "Conservationists" have such a strong feeling of déjà vu?
Because this is exactly the same situation that Canada's British Columbian's found themselves in with the recent grizzly bear hunting ban.
New Zealanders are reaching out for our help. Anyone who wants to educate themselves on this politically driven travesty and hopefully help out, here is what you can do:
1. Sign the petition - note, please do not make any donations on this page as they don't go to the NZ Tahr Foundation.
2. If you would like to donate and help our volunteer organization cover legal costs etc., please do so here
More information:
If you want to turn yourself into an NZ Tahr expert in 10 minutes I would suggest reading this HERE -
Anyone know what helicopter company’s are involved ? .
Here’s an older clip , Eugenie showing her true colours again .
I’m surprised it’s on 60hrs in the National parks I thought they would do the lot in them
I do wonder if pressure could be applied to make it less wasteful by having the animals flown out and processed as has been done with the n destroy takes less time than search,shoot n recover.....might be worth pursuing it for the consultation with parties side of the 2ndslaughter at later date.
Not sure if anyone has seen this but it has now gone international Here
Read it and entered a solid set of comments for the world to read.
As has been stated before, with Himalayan Tahr being listed as "Near Threatened on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species", you'd think some acknowledgement would be given to this fact.
NZ has already had one of it's introduced species used to re-establish stock back in it's native land,
Yeah time to front up some cash to fight for our right to hunt these majestic animals and secure local business's in the process.