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Thread: Takeing people hunting from the forum

  1. #1
    Member sometimes1's Avatar
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    Sep 2018

    Takeing people hunting from the forum

    Now iam a below average hunter my dogs are not very good because iam not very good and a piss poor shot at best .It is hard to get started with hunting if you are not from a hunting family .So you see lots of posts on here of people starting out wanting help to get there first animal or a great easy spot to get that first animal .I read the posts and think i know what that is like so i have pmd a few with a offer to them for a walk and see how it goes then if it works out mybe take them on a goat hunt .What i have learnt in the last couple of years is quite intersting i have meet couple of top guys from here but here goes.Most people are full of shit and have a poor grasp of english i tell them we will be going to a area with very low deer numbers probably wont see any deer but will see sign .They sweet as i have people turn up 2 to 3 hours late tell them to bring a compass they turn did you bring a compass no i have a phone with a gps app .Had one person load a firearm inside my hunting jeep same person sulked on the way back because we didnt see any deer then to make the day better he thought it was strange that someone would pm him to take him hunting and teach the little that i know he thought i wanted to take him into the bush and fuck him he is lucky he still has his teeth .Another keen person came down went out for a walk sore a bit of sign but no animals gave him some meat out of the frezzer so he had some thing to take home .Took him goat hunting now the reality was this guy was a soft cock like most so called men today turns out if you shoot a animal there is a chance you might get dirty most new so called hunters are to wimpy to gut a animal so you end up doing all the work .Like when they say to you i need to go number 2 what do i do i say grab a spade and some shit paper go for a walk dig a hole they look at you if you are retarded i look at these soft cocks shakeing my head to myself another that should never bred .So i have found not to many people want to put in a effort with hunting its the now age of soft wimpy men that cant really fend for themselves. So my advice to people starting out hunting go hunting the more you go the more chance you have STOP watching all the crap on you tube tv social media harden up and get out there

  2. #2
    Member sometimes1's Avatar
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    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by sometimes1 View Post
    Now iam a below average hunter my dogs are not very good because iam not very good and a piss poor shot at best .It is hard to get started with hunting if you are not from a hunting family .So you see lots of posts on here of people starting out wanting help to get there first animal or a great easy spot to get that first animal .I read the posts and think i know what that is like so i have pmd a few with a offer to them for a walk and see how it goes then if it works out mybe take them on a goat hunt .What i have learnt in the last couple of years is quite intersting i have meet couple of top guys from here but here goes.Most people are full of shit and have a poor grasp of english i tell them we will be going to a area with very low deer numbers probably wont see any deer but will see sign .They sweet as i have people turn up 2 to 3 hours late tell them to bring a compass they turn did you bring a compass no i have a phone with a gps app .Had one person load a firearm inside my hunting jeep same person sulked on the way back because we didnt see any deer then to make the day better he thought it was strange that someone would pm him to take him hunting and teach the little that i know he thought i wanted to take him into the bush and fuck him he is lucky he still has his teeth .Another keen person came down went out for a walk sore a bit of sign but no animals gave him some meat out of the frezzer so he had some thing to take home .Took him goat hunting now the reality was this guy was a soft cock like most so called men today turns out if you shoot a animal there is a chance you might get dirty most new so called hunters are to wimpy to gut a animal so you end up doing all the work .Like when they say to you i need to go number 2 what do i do i say grab a spade and some shit paper go for a walk dig a hole they look at you if you are retarded i look at these soft cocks shakeing my head to myself another that should never bred .So i have found not to many people want to put in a effort with hunting its the now age of soft wimpy men that cant really fend for themselves. So my advice to people starting out hunting go hunting the more you go the more chance you have STOP watching all the crap on you tube tv social media harden up and get out there
    I have bad dyslexia so my english is poor its hard for me to wright down things

  3. #3
    Member hotbarrels's Avatar
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    Welcome to the world of instant gratification and entitlement …….
    I want what I want, and I want it now, and I want you to give it to me ……. and I will sulk if I don't get it, and I will take grievous offence if you say anything bad about me!
    tetawa, Beaker, northdude and 3 others like this.

  4. #4
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    I have taken many newbies into the bush over the years and always to low yield places. Invariably they will be noisy and not in tune with the bush their first time out but I have always enjoyed imparting some knowledge and they do go on to hunt by themselves and succeed at it. Don’t give up, we need more hunters in society.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    With a bloke this last weekend who had shot 4 deer so far in his hunting life. He had just shot his fifth. and told me he hadn't gutted a deer yet as it had been done for him.
    Right mate your going to do a crash course right now I said. To be fair he did the job under instruction and didn't do to bad either.
    Its part of the responcability of hunting to be able to do so as well as cutting it up etc.

  6. #6
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Invariably they will be noisy and not in tune with the bush
    You just described my son on Saturday. Thank god he's got sharp eyes though.
    SlimySquirrel likes this.
    The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement

  7. #7
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
    You just described my son on Saturday. Thank god he's got sharp eyes though.
    You have a great training ground for him to learn in.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  8. #8
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sometimes1 View Post
    Now iam a below average hunter my dogs are not very good because iam not very good and a piss poor shot at best .It is hard to get started with hunting if you are not from a hunting family .So you see lots of posts on here of people starting out wanting help to get there first animal or a great easy spot to get that first animal .I read the posts and think i know what that is like so i have pmd a few with a offer to them for a walk and see how it goes then if it works out mybe take them on a goat hunt .What i have learnt in the last couple of years is quite intersting i have meet couple of top guys from here but here goes.Most people are full of shit and have a poor grasp of english i tell them we will be going to a area with very low deer numbers probably wont see any deer but will see sign .They sweet as i have people turn up 2 to 3 hours late tell them to bring a compass they turn did you bring a compass no i have a phone with a gps app .Had one person load a firearm inside my hunting jeep same person sulked on the way back because we didnt see any deer then to make the day better he thought it was strange that someone would pm him to take him hunting and teach the little that i know he thought i wanted to take him into the bush and fuck him he is lucky he still has his teeth .Another keen person came down went out for a walk sore a bit of sign but no animals gave him some meat out of the frezzer so he had some thing to take home .Took him goat hunting now the reality was this guy was a soft cock like most so called men today turns out if you shoot a animal there is a chance you might get dirty most new so called hunters are to wimpy to gut a animal so you end up doing all the work .Like when they say to you i need to go number 2 what do i do i say grab a spade and some shit paper go for a walk dig a hole they look at you if you are retarded i look at these soft cocks shakeing my head to myself another that should never bred .So i have found not to many people want to put in a effort with hunting its the now age of soft wimpy men that cant really fend for themselves. So my advice to people starting out hunting go hunting the more you go the more chance you have STOP watching all the crap on you tube tv social media harden up and get out there
    I think you will find it's a North Island thing, you don't get that sort of shit with the men down here in the South
    When hunting think safety first

  9. #9
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I took a few forum members(newbys) on hunts when the forum was in its infancy.
    Hunts ranged from private property drag it to the ute style to very big day public land style.
    Everyone I took was very keen to get out there and see how it was done and be involved with the butchering and tho a few shit themselves at realising the distance needed to walk they did it without complaining.

    Always good to get non hunters hunting just be sure to hunt ethically and set the example.
    mikee, deer243, Beaker and 7 others like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  10. #10
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    you shoot it,you pluck it
    you shoot it,you gut it
    you decide its too hard....too yucky... dont bother asking to come again.
    over the years Ive taken many folk out for first hunts,most have turned out good,some got hooked majorly and are hunting hard out all the time,made some great mates by doing it.

  11. #11
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm Rem Mag View Post
    I think you will find it's a North Island thing, you don't get that sort of shit with the men down here in the South
    Bullshit, I've seen manbuns in CHCH, clear proof that contamination has spread to the mainland.
    The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Godzone, South Island
    Do not lose faith sometimes1, big ups to you for having the decency to take these fella's out. Sometimes those people turn out to be good bastards and its all worth it. Im reluctant to take people out when they ask on a forum, and I often get asked to take people out for their first animal. If I have the time, I do, but not to my bread and butter spots, somewhere a bit more challenging. Took one young guy out last year, saw a few, put in a stalk and asked him if he was ok with leaving the stag. It was a young one, but very very promising with 10 points at about 3 years old. When we finally got in to position, he had the stag, 4 spikers and some other deer to choose from. He shot a spiker, and then turned to me and said he felt like that day he had become a hunter, because he chose the spiker to leave the stag for another year or a younger hunter.
    But I do spend a lot of time teaching people how to use guns for fun, and safely. This weekend my daughter came to visit and surprise, surprise she was interested in doing some shooting. Has never been around guns, never used one, comes from a very anti gun family environment. But I took her and her partner out to my range, and we shot a 22, a 223, and a 410. She loved it! And she was good, very good. An hour or 2 later I receive a text asking if they can come back again for some more gun fun.
    So, no matter how we do it, whether we teach them to shoot or teach them to hunt, no matter how many self entitled dickheads we encounter, we need to keep gathering the people in to our law abiding, gun loving community, one by one.

  13. #13
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    I have ended up being lumped together with some fresh hunters at the nzda party hunts and I now know what it is like to have someone noisy in the Bush.

    While it is the blind leading the blind, they so far have been ok. But I have. A limited knowledge of the bush as I am in a similar boat to OP. no old man just the cruel mistress of failing by yourself until you find one dumb enough.

  14. #14
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
    Bullshit, I've seen manbuns in CHCH, clear proof that contamination has spread to the mainland.
    Shit, oh well I suppose it had to happen sooner or later Cross breeding with those buggers in the north
    Moa Hunter, keneff, rewa and 1 others like this.
    When hunting think safety first

  15. #15
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Ive taken two members of forums for a deer hunt. First one hardly been deer hunting ever, only the odd pig hunt and was travelling down from the north island.
    He was a good bugger, kept up as walked into one of my better DOC blocks and it just happened i shot a ten point stag.
    He found it after a 15 min search and carried the head out as i carried the meat. It was a good day and for one of his first days bush stalking he learnt a few things and was happy as.

    Second one i took out was struggling to get a deer but had shot a couple.
    I gave him as many pointers as one could and spotted a couple of hinds. I let him shoot it and it dropped ok but when we went over to the spot he was looking in the wrong place.
    He didnt see it drop and i gave him shit that he missed it.
    Should of seen his face after searching for it for ten minutes and nothing....im sorry...thought it was right on it lol. When he started to look too depressed i said look over there and it made his day lol.

    So far its been all good, he boned it out and wanted to do all the work so i couldnt complain. So the two newbies ive taken have been pretty good, and they were good days out.
    Meant to be taking some guy bush stalking friday from Aussie thats never shot a red deer but has done abit of hunting thats touring NZ.
    Im happy to take him, if hes free that day, might get one, might not but its always good to help out people that want to learn and arent dick heads lol



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