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Thread: Taking kids out

  1. #1
    HOO is offline
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    Jul 2018

    Taking kids out

    I知 pretty keen to get my kids out hunting with me. I知 a rubbish hunter in that I rarely if ever get anything but I really want to get them outdoors with me. Any tips from people who致e done it? Extra things to take etc?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    If they're anything like my kids, a muzzle will help...

    I first took my oldest out when he was eight. I took him to the Blue Mountains and we did an overnighter - just the one night. He loved it - mainly the shit food and getting to spend time with me without his younger sister about. He enjoyed getting out in the bush, but the noise he makes decreases the chances of seeing anything quite a bit. The purpusefully stamding on sticks to see if he can break them and whistling don't help much..!

    I think the main thing is keep it relatively simple - don't walk him/her/them too much - I learnt that when I took my boy into Waipori Falls and walked him for about 12km - he was a nightmare coming back, wanting to stop every 30 seconds.

    Sitting and staying in the one position for any extended period is pretty much a no-no from my experience. He'll sit for 5 minutes, but then he wants to be off to see more.

    Food is important - and a key motivator for them. Depends if you are going overnight or just a day trip rergarding what to take. Lots of snack foods, treats, chocolate...

    My boy carrys his own day pack and I make sure he has pretty much the same as me in terms of food, water, extra layers etc. I let him carry a knife (folding, not fixed blade) which he loves, and he sometimes carrys the rifle for a little way (bolt open no magazine) - he gets tired of it after about 10 minutes though.

    I'd pretty much resign yourself to the fact that it's not really hunting - more out for a walk in the bush exploring - which is absolutely fine and can be made good fun. And when you're least expecting it you'll break through the bush into a clearing and there standing stock-still, broadside, will be a nice taker..!

    More than anything it's about spending quality time with him/her/them, teaching them a bit about the bush and getting them away from fecking screens for a bit of time. Good on you for wanting to get out with him/her/them - enjoy!

  3. #3
    HOO is offline
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    Yeah my oldest is 8 and he値l be the first out and only for a 1 nighter. I kind of figured it壇 be more of a walk out than a hunt as such but just really keen to get them out and about. Thanks for the tips!

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  4. #4
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Don't plan to much walking , evening hunt with a camp at the end is good , plenty of snacky food and plenty of warm cloths kids get cold a lot quicker than us , gloves is a must , good luck ...
    Micky Duck likes this.
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  5. #5
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    My taking my 10 year old out for his first overnighter in the school holidays. Should be fun. He has done a couple of part day trips so far.

    Agree with above, lots of snacks and treat as good quality time rather than a serious hunting trip.
    "The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella

  6. #6
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    Don't sour them, its hard to get them keen again. Make sure you have a good second light no kid likes been in the dark more so when a possum swacking its guts out.Also if you are in a area where you can glass get the young kid a pair of binos they love it.

    Never forget a mate of mine took hes young fella old pig hunting. The dogs got on to a good boar one dog had come back ripped up and the dogs were back on it. left hes son and dog up on the hill in the pissing down rain on dark while he went down to the battle. Hour or so latter he turn back up to a cold boy sitting in the dark. from that day on he's boy lost complete interest. but he said he got the pig

  7. #7
    A shortish tall guy ROKTOY's Avatar
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    I have had my boy out tramping since 4 1/2, he is 8 now. Longest trip so far 3 nights away. He carries his sleeping bag and clothes, takes small folder knife (Opinel) and a small notebook and a pencil, pack of cards. Lots of energy snack food, stop every hour or so for food, cheese and salami are great, he carries dried fruit (mango apricot etc. on him to snack on. Lots of water.
    Keeping them entertained while walking is important otherwise they get bored.
    I have taken him on a few day hunts locally and he loves the stalk, although there is quite a bit of loud whispering from time to time.
    I am taking him on his first multiday hunt next month. Molesworth for 5 days. We will be walking for about 1 1/2 hours then setting up a base camp to hunt from for 2-3 days then relocating.
    Spare warm clothes and something to do at base camp is top of my list. He will carry binos while we hunt.
    I am expecting to see animals but am prepared to not shoot any, getting out with him is my primary goal, Future hunts he will learn the necessity of quiet and patience, I hope.
    Get him out there, enjoy your time with him, The animals come second.
    MB, bigbear, xtightg and 1 others like this.

  8. #8
    my girl comes from time to time shes always been an outdoors person so could walk fair distances quite easily and shes pretty hard actually she been my best hunting mate so far be prepared to just treat the first few times as a recon mission as they are noisy and excited the first few times also a good chance to teach them a bit of gun safety if you can camp near a creek or river that will keep them amused for hours

  9. #9
    MB is online now
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    I have a 4.5 year old. We've done some 2 - 3 hour DOC walks. It takes a lot of reminders about the ice cream at the end to keep him moving. I would love nothing more than father/son hunting trips, but we are a little way off that. Fishing trips can be challenging enough. Funny thing is that he is really in to the idea of fishing and hunting without me really pushing it. Must be good genes!

    I would actually prefer it if he didn't insist on wearing camo to kindy every single bloody day

    Boaraxa, ROKTOY, xtightg and 1 others like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    We have just gone out the past few weekends with our 4yo. I agree with the muzzle ��, we went overnight and he bought some little toys. He was good but snacks and something to keep them occupied in the down time is a must. Thinking of going again in a few weeks but being public land and such a busy time of year I’m a little apprehensive.
    NO4 likes this.



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