If the weather is real nice you can camp at the top of the Umukarkari track (next to the Urchin on Kaimanawa Rd). Water is down the hill in a creek but not far. There are several tent sites. Lends itself to you sitting nearby or even at the campsite and glassing for deer. A few trampers come up to go to Waipakihi Hut but the track doesn't go right past the campsite so its nice and private. It's about 2-3 hr up an OK bush track.
You'll see other hunters in the Waipakihi valley so she might not be so happy on her own all day. Beautiful camping though. Only go if the river is < 5-6 cumecs (google for tongariro river level genesis). Technical bush hunting for sika.
On the Eastern Ruahines, see if the road is open again to the Sunrise Hut. It's 2-3 hr walk up a well benched track. A bit of a grunt but not that long in the end. The hut is big, nice, has fantastic view. Usually there will be lots of other people there, nice tramper types and families so if she's social it can be a good place to read and spend the day.
For lesss good weather in the eastern Ruahines maybe Stanfields Hut, which is nice, 6 bunk in valley floor. Go in via the high track, climbs up 200m then sidles all the rest to the hut. Not quite so easy to get onto a deer there but some around. PM me if you want suggestions for how to hunt those spots.
There you go thats some of my second best spots.