Yep that's the one, hopefully it's accurate. Chalk and cheese compared to the 2017 debacle.
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That is exactly what happens. Hence Mintie's comment about the possum numbers in HB being on the rise.
Once the blocks are rolled out of the Tb Free program it is up to the council with the farmer self help program. They monitor farms randomly but there are too many to really get around. Whilst some farmers are doing their part some others aren't and some forestry companies are not either.
The other problem is that landowner's without a CSL don't have many options when it comes to filling bait stations and the council really push the use of brodifacoum, which in reality is horrible shite.
Problem is from memory a possum it takes approximately 100 grams of pest off to kill a possum, a sentry bait station doesn't hold all that much bait. So if 3+ possums visit that station then unfortunately there is a chance that they will all just receive a sub lethal dose. People don't have the spare cash to potentially need the stations filled more that once per year so it is what it is.
Oh dear those possums, ferrets and stoats are all bonking away merrily. Would it appropriate for me to send a nice note to Pharlap and ask for the guvment to make it illegal.....their laws are being enacted wholesale and making a huge difference to everything....this is only a small issue so I am sure it would be beneficial.....?
Thanks @Tahr. Good read, and good outcome.
I must be catching some of the Wellington disorder ( or maybe I just need a holiday) but I must admit when I saw the title page of that report " High Effectiveness of deer-repellant Prodeer.........." I almost had one of those "fucking bought science" moment. If the 'High' had been deleted I'd have been happier.......
Yep that's the one, hopefully it's accurate. Chalk and cheese compared to the 2017 debacle.
Yep that's the one,
What's going on here then.....??? Something smells fishy
Yep same format as previous scammer/spammers. 2 word name with no spaces and a number at the end. Also from the "USA" or in one other case here "Canada"