Does anybody have any info on hunting te kopia reserve , just wanting to know where
Best access is thanks
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Does anybody have any info on hunting te kopia reserve , just wanting to know where
Best access is thanks
Hunted it for years, actually was up there on the Reporoa side last Friday nite. There is a public access on the western side of the saddle via the thermal on Te Kopia rd, and on the Reproroa side there is access up Handcock rd. Has been smashed with 1080 so numbers aren't high at all./
gone up there lately @Gapped axe ? thinking of haveing a wonder going in by handcock rd got any tips?
nope haven't been there for around 4months, fuk all sign as well.
numbers are very low in there and apart from the two access points mentioned by gapped axe is land locked by farms te kopia rd access is a bit dodgy must be mindful of thermal holes, I wouldn't walk it in the dark. awesome view from the top but very hit and miss
You ever got a deer in there
Whats the bush like lads ? I work in the area and have always wondered
There's access through a farm at the waikiti valley end of te kopia road but the cocky doesn't like letting you through but as far as I know it's public, Mcnaughts farm from memory,
Yes Mcnaughts farm' he likes you to ask him. If anyone has gone in before you he says no as its not safe. (Remember mate shot mate a few years ago). Its also a very steep climb. I live at Waikite but always do the long walk via Handcock Rd, and if you meet the farm owner while crossing his land (I have never been so lucky and dont have a 4wd) he may give you his phone number and give you access with your 4wd. Not been in for months but last time pig sign not much deer sign
It's DOC land and public access so it's not his call to make
it was sad
From the valley myself its McNaull's farm there is also access by the thermal just follow t fence line up the right side of it and you will reach a gate. Shit tack and a steep climb. I have always had better luck hunting from the Reporoa side (Hancocks road) but its a boring walk across farmland and a long one with an animal. Also the farmer up top drives his quad all the way up and through the clearings at night. Cost me a stag this roar.
Anyone been in here lately? I went there many years ago one time but never again, gonna work nearby soon for a few days and thought maybe have a look again