Must be a hang over then.thatbthe outfitter has them still bring it out. Makes its funny how stirred up we were chasing this stupid bird through the spruce. They are kind of cool but I prefer the stellar Jay wee have. Like a pretty magpie.
Yeh I had a German guy wanting to shoot a young Lone nanny but had to put the foot down that's we don't knowingly shoot nannies. We don't have a quota yet but if they ever bring it in the outfitter has said he wants us to show a record of only bringing in mature billy goats. He's had that one nanny and a 4 year old Billy that was 10.5 with 5.5 bases so a very nice goat. Would have been a true monster. But they are very hard to judge.
The above statement in red is sooooo true. Its like let's glass great goat country with lots of feed and there's nothing then you see a little scree in the treeline and there's a goat lower than some moose... First Goat I glassed as a wrangler looked huge to me and horns were close so I got the outfitter who was the guide for that hunt to check it out. To which he goes whole fuck that thing must be near the biggest goat he's ever taken from the outfit since he owned it they had a few rippers taken before he brought it and was only guiding. We let the hunter know it was good but not how good. Set off up the valley to try get ahead until the trail ran out then set off on foot to try reach a slide ahead of it to catch it crossing all while I sat on the hill and watched it to keep track on it. I watched it continue that way then double back then climb straight up the vertical face and go sit right on top. Then disappear over then top. They came back after the failed stalk and it did the same thing the next day but its unshootable where it sat. Do day three on this goat we approach from a hanging basin at the back. All on foot so leaving a lt 4:30am we get to the ridge that leads up the the face it's been on. Once we get there about 3pm not only is there no goat but we glass it on the next mountain over right in the edge of the territory. We are almost sure it was the same goat as not many are that big. Luckily we had hauled camp up the mountain so set up a camp at the tree line and the next day took a nice 9 year old Billy in the hanging basin. It was 9.5 but good base's and a beautiful coat. While we headskinned the goat the hunter glassed that same goat back on the face we had first seen him from. So had done a massive loop for no apparent reason apart from embarassing us. Makes hunting them the most rewarding thing.