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Thread: Thar extermination

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Thar extermination

    Copied from Facebook for those that haven't seen this.

    Right, can of worms opened. Time to get serouis guys

    Eugenie Sage MP

    Every single person share this with your freinds and family.

    A Greens party MP and conservation minister is set to destroy one of New Zealands most famous game animals in a disgusting all out slaughter of thousands of animals with no scientific evidence to say anything and use platforms from 1990s as an excuse to kill anything that moves.
    . "Minister Sage has now come up with what Greg Duley has aptly termed Tahrmageddon. Her latest un-consulted edict is to require at least 17500 further tahr to be removed beyond the 5000 she said they had shot to mid July. This includes 10000 from the Rakaia-Rangitata and Gammack-Two Thumb area and to keep going until they remove that many – not clear there are that many so east coast hunting will be stuffed for a decade. Mt Cook NP and Westland NP are to be targeted to zero density. Hunters are to be given the task of controlling tahr in the remote experience zones which have expensive restricted access and the most challenging terrain so the intention is clear – to set us up to fail then step in.

    The shooting on the east coast will be in the most accessible areas to rec hunters. They now also intend to shoot not only nannies and juveniles but also 30% of identifiable bulls. As her justification she is using the ignored for a decade Himalayan tahr control plan 1993 (HTCP) however that’s BS and the plan has multiple requirements for consultation which have been ignored. This is her dogma driven final solution for tahr. There is no justification for this and it is simply her exterminationist dogma.

    Her aim is to start the culling Sept 30th and finish it by mid November this year. If hunters are slow to react it will be too late, her intent is clear – to have the tahr dead before hunters have the chance to react effectively.

    The NZ Tahr Foundation is likely to be the vehicle to challenge this and legal options are being explored, funding has been secured. For the first time the AATH guys, the guides, rec hunters are all on the same side adamantly opposed to her cleansing exercise, all have much to lose as does the nation – many tens of millions of visitor income.

    Contact the minister and ask her to cease the intended action and hold meaningful consultation with all hunters as required by the HTCP, ask for the data to demonstrate the need, ask for maps of the areas affected etc etc. Note your concerns.

    The Minister of Conservations email is eugenie.sage@parliament.govt.nz

    We urgently need bulk numbers to grind her office to a standstill and create attention, nice approaches and reason do not work with her, GAC and the tahr community have tried it and failed, she is not listening yet. Also raise the issue with as many ministers and MP’s as you can.

    Spread the word. If she succeeds with this on tahr then its likely various deer herds are next and when there is little left to hunt why do you need firearms ?

    Be polite please, ask lots of questions, note she has at most 20 days to respond and do it ASAP. Bulk lobbying is one of our strengths, use it.


    So lads and lassies drop Auntie Eugenie a line and let her know that we care

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
    chainsaw, Boaraxa, 57jl and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Best to write hand written letters.

    She has to reply in kind. Couple thousand of those and she'll probably change her mind

    Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Beat me to it.

    She's a watermelon party member- enough said!
    Steve123 likes this.

  4. #4
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    People have to speak up and send an email or letter asap.

    You can't complain about lack of game animals in the next few years if you don't speak up now. The greens have made it clear that they don't care about hunters whatsoever.

    The threat is real and the risk of numbers being heavily reduced in areas accessed regularly by many of us is pretty significant.

    Even if you're not great with words, at least send something simple, constructive, even one short paragraph requesting they consult with the hunting community better.
    Scouser and Boaraxa like this.
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  5. #5
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    JoshC, Lukeduncan and Cordite like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Take a leaf out of their own book.

    Writing to politicians | GREENPEACE New Zealand

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Done, small end of the wedge sadly... Aren't thar endangered in the Himalayas and new Zealand would be the only place in the world you can hunt them in the wild...

  8. #8
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    I did an e mail highlighting a few question & I copied and pasted to a letter I will post as well just to be sure someone reads it ..anyone got a postal address ?
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  9. #9
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Have also written in, it's for a very good cause. Thanks for the heads up
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  10. #10
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    cheer for the info. stupid bloody pollies

  11. #11
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Well, Facebook seems to have gone wild with posts about "Tahrmagedon" today.

    Other than the email from NZDA that seems to have started it, does anyone have links to "official" info that confirms the story ?
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  12. #12
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    Shared, emailed Eugenie & also my local National MP

  13. #13
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Found this ripper meme.

    Sums it up perfectly

  14. #14
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    So far this is the only mailing address iv come up with , can any confirm if this is correct ?

    Private Bag 18888
    Parliament Buildings
    Wellington 6160
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  15. #15
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    We need to put an alternative spin on this.

    1)Animal rights groups need to be notified of the Slaughter

    2)Demands must be made on the utilization of the carcasses

    3)Qualifications and identities of everyone involved at the sharp end need to be made public.That way anyone can look for irregularity.

    The Green party wouldn't trawl lake Taupo and kill all the Trout,then throw them back in to Rot.So why are they doing the same to the Southern Alps...

    We can't say "please dont shoot all the Thar...We want to shoot all the Thar"

    Contact Animal rights groups,shut this down the back way.
    tikka, Gibo, Boaraxa and 5 others like this.
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