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Thread: Thar extermination

  1. #76
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    Fred Hollows......blind foundation......operations to remove cateracts in poor countries and Rewi Alley.....I should know but cant think of it yet...probably wake up at 2 am now.
    Rewi spent time living up the Moeawatea Valley....legend!!

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    Thanks....is a link to that available, or was it personal correspondence?
    Sorry mate can't find it now. Was in the comments of a Facebook post by the NZDA or on one of the hunting groups. It's all on the DOC website as well. Will see if I can find that link.
    We are getting great traction with this and this is the most united New Zealand hunters have been on a issue ever I'd say. It's great to see some big names and companys getting in behind as well. The Tahr Foundation has served a letter letting DOC know that they will seek a injunction on them if the cull is not called off until due process can be followed.

    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

  3. #78
    sneakywaza I got
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    May 2013
    Some years ago, was up the Macauly river, backcountry weekend with the wife, late winter, snow down to the valley floor. Wife with the truck, binos and radio, (and truck heater going flat out) spotting for me as I worked up the hill to get into a spot I had identified as good to ambush a large mob working their way down late afternoon. Doc sanctioned meat recovery chopper came screaming across the valley from North East Gorge just as the mob was coming into in my range, that chopper chased that mob all over the hill shooting them, some within a hundred yards of me. Wife on the radio screaming at me cause she thinks they will shoot me too.

    She had heard me bang on about the times I got fucked over by chopper shooters lots of times before, and took it with a grain of salt. Like people do when hunters complain about anything.

    That day she saw blood covered snow and dead tahr all over the hill. That day she saw animals desperately trying to escape the ultimate predator, some shot multiple times to get it down. That day she saw badly injured animals not dead struggling to reach cover and live.

    Her perception of chopper operators and Doc have changed forever.

    If the public get to see exactly what wholesale slaughter on the hill looks like, thing might change, might have to start carrying a video camera again.
    timattalon and hotsoup like this.

  4. #79
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Thar extermination

    Ms Sage has picked a few fights this week. She has recently drafted a sloppy bill around fresh water fish. This has not gone down well with anglers as it leaves big holes around F&G management and Treaty settlements.
    The response from anglers does appear a LOT more sophisticated. Sir Geoffrey Palmer has drafted an insightful evaluation and anglers are making, on the whole, intelligent submissions.
    Hunters are almost embarrassing in comparison. Like we dont deserve to be heard. From the ability to link EVERYTHING to a 1080 conspiracy, whinging overemotive nonsense, using near unintelligible social media comments placed with stupid threats and innuendo. We sound like the Neanderthals some want to portray us as.
    IF your going to reply, think first. Ask someone to assist you if you need (Davey Hughes and Black watch put some good stuff on Facebook) and sound like someone who should be listened to.
    Last edited by kiwijames; 20-09-2018 at 10:57 PM.
    Nathan F, Tahr, ethos and 9 others like this.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  5. #80
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    Ms Sage has picked a few fights this week. She has recently drafted a sloppy bill around fresh water fish. This has not gone down well with anglers as it leaves big holes around F&G management and Treaty settlements.
    The response from anglers does appear a LOT more sophisticated. Sir Geoffrey Palmer has drafted an insightful evaluation and anglers are making, on the whole, intelligent submissions.
    Hunters are almost embarrassing in comparison. Like we dont deserve to be heard. From the ability to link EVERYTHING to a 1080 conspiracy, whinging overemotive nonsense, using near unintelligible social media comments placed with stupid threats and innuendo. We sound like the Neanderthals some want to portray us as.
    IF your going to reply, think first. Ask someone to assist you if you need (Davey Hughes and Black watch put some good stuff on Facebook) and sound like someone who should be listened too.
    The sad fact of the matter is the hunter democratic are generally not littericy scholars myself included,my typing generally confuses spell check, I use punctuation badly if at all,Even I struggle to read my handwriting let alone anybody else.
    That doest make my or anybody elses opinion less correct or less valid just because we cant speak politician speak.
    Brian, Pengy, john m and 4 others like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    If the public get to see exactly what wholesale slaughter on the hill looks like, thing might change, might have to start carrying a video camera again.
    I was trying to find a video. @The Hunters Club had posted on facebook earlier this week. Basically showed a helicopter hovering in a basin bombing up a hill side where they were glassing into, there were Tahr the boys were watching from the other side of the valley.
    This clip just seemed ruthless what the chopper guys were doing, obviously no evidence who it was or who they worked for though.

    P.S great series so far Dave @The Hunters Club

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    Writing to MPs is a start, and one that needs to be done. But the next step is a big one....

    How do we make sure this lot are OUT at the next election?

    I doubt we will be able to stop all support but a proper campaign showing the environmental damage that the green party is responsible for would be a start. And we know they will go to bed with labour first chance they get so do we try get the other mob in? The way I see it, we need to get the green support down low enough that they are of no real help to forming a govt. They are a minor party with a small support base.


    Point out to them that Tahr are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature list of animals that are NEAR ENDANGERED. This means

    that may be considered threatened with extinction in the near future, although it does not currently qualify for the threatened status. The IUCN notes the importance of re-evaluating near-threatened taxa at appropriate intervals.

    The rationale used for near-threatened taxa usually includes the criteria of vulnerable which are plausible or nearly met, such as reduction in numbers or range. Near-threatened species evaluated from 2001 onwards may also be ones which are dependent on conservation efforts to prevent their becoming threatened

    So wiping out Tahr in NZ is pushing this amazing animal far closer to extinction which is NOT what conservation is about. The largest threat to its extinction is mankind actions- Reducing habitats, Over hunting it is original enviroment do gooders with no idea using choppers. The Greens actively support 1080, do you think that when they learn that helicopter hunting doesn't work they might think to sprinkle green rain on the snow?

    They call themselves Greens, and 1080 is green. If we keep making that association the world will see that our green movement is one of the biggest polluters in our country. If you see a picture of a green party emblem or person, make sure the next picture you show next to it is 1080 pellets....If you say something often enough people will believe it - Its called advertising.
    veitnamcam, Friwi and Steve123 like this.

  8. #83
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    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    The sad fact of the matter is the hunter democratic are generally not littericy scholars myself included,my typing generally confuses spell check, I use punctuation badly if at all,Even I struggle to read my handwriting let alone anybody else.
    That doest make my or anybody elses opinion less correct or less valid just because we cant speak politician speak.
    I have been in contact with the Game animal Council since July. They are now looking to appoint a person to act as liaison to act for them in a paid position. Bearing VC's comments in mind would Peter Dunn be the right person, considering he moved the Bill establishing the GAC ?.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  9. #84
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    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    Writing to MPs is a start, and one that needs to be done. But the next step is a big one....

    How do we make sure this lot are OUT at the next election?

    I doubt we will be able to stop all support but a proper campaign showing the environmental damage that the green party is responsible for would be a start. And we know they will go to bed with labour first chance they get so do we try get the other mob in? The way I see it, we need to get the green support down low enough that they are of no real help to forming a govt. They are a minor party with a small support base.


    Point out to them that Tahr are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature list of animals that are NEAR ENDANGERED. This means

    that may be considered threatened with extinction in the near future, although it does not currently qualify for the threatened status. The IUCN notes the importance of re-evaluating near-threatened taxa at appropriate intervals.

    The rationale used for near-threatened taxa usually includes the criteria of vulnerable which are plausible or nearly met, such as reduction in numbers or range. Near-threatened species evaluated from 2001 onwards may also be ones which are dependent on conservation efforts to prevent their becoming threatened

    So wiping out Tahr in NZ is pushing this amazing animal far closer to extinction which is NOT what conservation is about. The largest threat to its extinction is mankind actions- Reducing habitats, Over hunting it is original enviroment do gooders with no idea using choppers. The Greens actively support 1080, do you think that when they learn that helicopter hunting doesn't work they might think to sprinkle green rain on the snow?

    They call themselves Greens, and 1080 is green. If we keep making that association the world will see that our green movement is one of the biggest polluters in our country. If you see a picture of a green party emblem or person, make sure the next picture you show next to it is 1080 pellets....If you say something often enough people will believe it - Its called advertising.
    what would happen if we all joined the Greens and could then have a direct influence on Party Policy ??

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I don't feel like this is the best approach. It has the #BAN1080 hysterical vibe written all over it

    Name:  42194655_2192780424129216_304436464580558848_o.jpg
Views: 311
Size:  320.5 KB
    veitnamcam and kiwijames like this.

  11. #86
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    Writing to MPs is a start, and one that needs to be done. But the next step is a big one....

    How do we make sure this lot are OUT at the next election?

    I doubt we will be able to stop all support but a proper campaign showing the environmental damage that the green party is responsible for would be a start. And we know they will go to bed with labour first chance they get so do we try get the other mob in? The way I see it, we need to get the green support down low enough that they are of no real help to forming a govt. They are a minor party with a small support base.


    Point out to them that Tahr are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature list of animals that are NEAR ENDANGERED. This means

    that may be considered threatened with extinction in the near future, although it does not currently qualify for the threatened status. The IUCN notes the importance of re-evaluating near-threatened taxa at appropriate intervals.

    The rationale used for near-threatened taxa usually includes the criteria of vulnerable which are plausible or nearly met, such as reduction in numbers or range. Near-threatened species evaluated from 2001 onwards may also be ones which are dependent on conservation efforts to prevent their becoming threatened

    So wiping out Tahr in NZ is pushing this amazing animal far closer to extinction which is NOT what conservation is about. The largest threat to its extinction is mankind actions- Reducing habitats, Over hunting it is original enviroment do gooders with no idea using choppers. The Greens actively support 1080, do you think that when they learn that helicopter hunting doesn't work they might think to sprinkle green rain on the snow?

    They call themselves Greens, and 1080 is green. If we keep making that association the world will see that our green movement is one of the biggest polluters in our country. If you see a picture of a green party emblem or person, make sure the next picture you show next to it is 1080 pellets....If you say something often enough people will believe it - Its called advertising.
    MP’s email contacts:
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  12. #87
    Join Date
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    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    The sad fact of the matter is the hunter democratic are generally not littericy scholars myself included,my typing generally confuses spell check, I use punctuation badly if at all,Even I struggle to read my handwriting let alone anybody else.
    That doest make my or anybody elses opinion less correct or less valid just because we cant speak politician speak.
    It doesn't make your submission any less valid. It just makes it fair easier to take it less seriously.

    Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk

  13. #88
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Also for the sake of $130 a year download a subscription form and join NZDA if your not a member already. Even if youre like me and are not active at all within a branch lend your support. United we stand .

  14. #89
    Member Kooza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan F View Post
    Also for the sake of $130 a year download a subscription form and join NZDA if your not a member already. Even if youre like me and are not active at all within a branch lend your support. United we stand .
    Well said mate, join and give back.
    Went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.

  15. #90
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    The sad fact of the matter is the hunter democratic are generally not littericy scholars myself included,my typing generally confuses spell check, I use punctuation badly if at all,Even I struggle to read my handwriting let alone anybody else.
    That doest make my or anybody elses opinion less correct or less valid just because we cant speak politician speak.

    Typos and perfect grammar are irrelevant as long as we're respectful and polite. I think that's the main point.

    If someone is a proud snob picking on others' grammar THEY have the bigger problem.
    Boaraxa likes this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch



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