True but I'd like to see a more robust form of commitment rather than an election promise as these are often broken and battens dropped. I would like to see a full independent inquiry into doc and it's practices. Like it's removal of huts, wire bridges , 1080.As some of those would be against the health and safety act which doesn't appear to apply to local and central government. Charges for huts and other activity's on our land. I pay tax each week and part of that goes to doc to up keep tracks and huts etc . Then when I want to use said huts I pay again.
Why not increase the price for tourists to fully subsidize our use of them? Bit like going out for dinner ordering your meal and paying for it and then getting charged again when you want to eat it. If doc is in inefficient thats not my problem and like a leaking bucket, water will keep running out the holes no matter how much you put in it until the leaks are fixed. Not saying doc don't do a lot of good but imo they are doing a lot of the opposite as well and this needs to be addressed. Trouble is they are the ones who advice the ministers and governments. Again their rules. You don't see the police let alleged criminals investigate themselves as everyone knows what the out come would be. Until heads roll high up in doc and there's some sort of outside independent review by experts we stay fighting with both arms tied behind our backs