thanks @Boaraxa that quoted position of F&B spells out exactly where Sage is getting fed her "logic (& legal advice) from". It also shows F&B are hell bent on totally undermining any dialog & compromise .... or use of relevant current science or data.
They are clinging to this 25 year old outdated 1993 Tahr Plan. So as various others have stated above we need a clear and unequivocal statement from the minister as to exactly what/when/how the cull will proceed.
And even more importantly we need to insist on quality science and data (proving if Tahr above certain densities do actually cause any harm) as a PRE-CONDITION for any further cull beyond the 5- 6000 Sage talked about. At that data should then be used to scrap this farkn stupid 1993 piece of shit info that F&B are clinging on to.