Im supprised that no has said anything about using drones to scout for animals
Im supprised that no has said anything about using drones to scout for animals
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Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
"Aircraft activities on or over public conservation lands and waters must have a concession or authorisation from DOC. This includes both commercial operations and private recreational activities."
Aircraft are defined under the Civil Aviation Authority rules (external site) and include unmanned aircraft (UAVs/UAS/RPAS/drones)
It doesn't work really, you need to fly quite high (like 300m+) so as not to spook the animals and at that height you cant identify animals on device teh video is streaming back to.
I tried to drop in on a pig and it wasnt having anything of it.
The only way drones would be helpull in scouting is if they had a massive zoom camera on the, but that is serious $$$. They are cool for making videos tho and probably quite cool for duck shooting etc.