why dont the police a SAR use this shit you can get a 5000$ drone that can fly for about 40 mins and travel about 5-7ks
the camaras are pretty pricy think about 8k for a good one why have all these people tramping though the bush when they could be deploing these
our children wont even have to leave the house to go hunting in the future
i think if your shooting at an animal on public land with a thermal camara it shouldnt be legal day or night
your not looking at real light your looking at a computer genrated image from the information input also this is not your natural sight,
thats why people are saying you cant mistake an animal for a human cause they are very basic shapes your looking at and there very diffrent shapes between a human and a four leged, witch they see as being much more simple and safe but without that extra detail you miss alot and have no real idea what your looking at or what is behind it or for that matter anything that is covering its heat source or anything that heats similar with the background
i think if people are shooting with thermal it breaks the rule identify your target beyound all doubt, its kinda like your grandad that can bearly see but still gos out shooting but tells you he knows best, in 10 years when the thermals 4k image quilty i mite soften to the idea of thermal scopes but they will still have limitations
i have a thermal camara its a flir 320x240 if ya guna get one better to go with the other company so ya get 30hz, 9hz is fine but just a little anoyying and go as high a resolution as you can,
and i dont see why you shouldnt use them for spoting other than the fact that ur a cheat haha