I was sure there was already a thread for this however stuffed if I can find it......
So I think maybe I'm suffering withdrawals from not getting out enoughand maybe as a result my senses are heightened
however just about every other day I am seeing animals I would happily take out in one way or another.
Friday, saw 5 bunnies chasing each other around no more than 50 mts away whilst waiting at road works.
Saturday, saw a pheasant in the driveway at work.
Sunday, saw several Quail cross the road in front of me on the way to work.
Monday, come round a bend on the way to work again and in the middle of the road is a great big peacock with his tail spread out in all it's glory.
Lucky I'm heading out in the next couple weeks as I'm sure at this rate I'll come across a pig or worse a deer on the way to work if this keeps up.