Well sorry to burst the ole stay home stay safe method, I've selling guns and ammo for the past 2 week faster than ever. Interacting with hundreds of people a day working at a gun shop.
And tomorrow hopefully I'll be off chasing Stags, if I get sick ill go home, I'll go by myself. I won't see anyone esle, I won't hear anybody esle, I will be the most furtherest thing from any virus you could be, listening to red Stags up high going off there rockers.
I won't be hurting anyone, affecting anyone. I've been guiding for 10 years this will be my first year off I can go for myself,
I'm sorry lads I don't agree with most of you here, I am all for keeping everybody safe but me walking in for a hunt and camping out for a week or 2 in a tent in bumfuck Egypt far from anybody is far more productive, But you enjoy your time at home.
I've lived with a Auto immune disease for most of my adult life, almost died Several times from it, been in and out of hospitals for years, had more cancer drugs and catabolic steroids than most people so I am going to enjoy the time I am well, if some virus wants to kill me good luck, I can't even kill me (immune system)
Trained in SAR and got all satellite coms and Trackers.

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