I must admit to being somewhat non fazed when it comes to hunting stags or other antlered/horned game and have the trophies to prove it, but, I had been thinking why do we place so much emphasis on a bit of bone on an animals head? I certainly would not turn down a shot at a great stag but some guys I know live for the roar and hunting stags, and judge the quality of their hunts in 1/8ths of an inch and DS measurement.
My own thoughts would imagine this harks back to the hunters of old, where securing a trophy stag would be a true measure of a hunters skill. An older, wiser animal should always be a harder, and therefore more challenging animal to hunt. A pair of antlers would prove this to be true and that the hunter certainly was a master hunter. (Un)fortunately the majority of females game animals don't have any "proof" on top of their melons and have been let off the hook.
Now days with cameras, pay per point hunting safaris and other modern day trappings, to measure a hunters prowess by the amount of bone hanging on the wall can often have less merit. Im certainly not wanting to knock those who have some great trophies but Im just putting the question out there.
Where does your desire to secure a decent head come from?