I see what you did there...nice.
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It’s a tiny tracking device that cost less than a pack of rounds and work pretty well. Only downside is you need an iPhone…
Here's a similar device for android
On a positive note. Borrowed a shotgun off my dealer principle for the weekend to get me back out there. Shot limit both days which has turned a shit week into a good weekend. As for someone mentioning victim support. They rang thursday arvo late and i was like yeah nah im mint.. come friday morning was having a shower. And just had an absolute breakdown to the misses. I blamed myself for even having firearms. Having dicks come into our home. Absolutely frighten the kids. My daughter sleeps with the light on now. I cant even bring myself to look at the damage any more. When family or friends come over if it gets brought up. I walk away. I dont want to hear or talk about the details to anyone. Im surprised how much it has effected me to be honest. You feel violated to know someone has done this and now also knows whats inside the house
Yes I know what you mean. But to put it in perspcetive it's not your fault in any way. Theives are sub human scum, they have this impac on all of their victums.
Stay strong mate. I would be filled with so much rage if that happened and not being able to do anything would screw me up
To parrot GDMPs words above.
You are not to blame for any of what has happened.
Easter weekend my small workshop at work was broken into and we were cleaned out. I felt dirty walking in after the Police had finished, the worst feeling, knowing some assholes had been in my turf. I took me several days to get past that fact. Not personal property like yours, but I sure can relate. You aren't at fault at all.
Just did some homework on this looks like the cheaper android ones aren't quite there yet, Some have significantly better blue tooth than air tags but they don't have the pinging function that the findmy network provides. Google is apparently working on one that should be very good but it's not available yet.
Its explained Here and here
Thanks @yerimaginaryM8
Those were informative reviews
@Tristan sorry to here about this. What area of Gisborne ruffly.
Am moving closer to town next week so be sure to add a few extra bolts in the back of safe:(
I got done in years ago in my flatting days with no insurance, months latter it was wheres that gone. lucky they didn't find/get any firearms