If they have a problem with an area why not tell the hunters where the bulk of animals are or heli ppl in there, might work out cheaper and not ruin hunting for future generations
If they have a problem with an area why not tell the hunters where the bulk of animals are or heli ppl in there, might work out cheaper and not ruin hunting for future generations
They have the technical ability to add deer repellent to the 1080 bait but usually don't because it costs extra money. I believe that they need commercial ovens to bake it into the baits somehow but I got that bit secondhand so don't quote me on it.
I think that 1080 isn't going away anytime soon so if we as a group of hunters want to be effective perhaps we could try influencing DOC in the direction of adding deer repellent to their poison drops?
I believe that this is being done in the Haurangis? Others on this forum will know more
DOC do fuck all 1080, it's all AHB and your regional council. Both need to cover a percentage of the cost, so if one says no the other, no matter how keen cannot do the application.
You are dead right that 1080 is not going away too. If you want influence with added repellant have your local branch of NZDA put in a submission for it to be used, or better still get off your arse and do one yourself.
The repellant is a blood product that is sprayed on immediately before loading in the hopper. Th issue is the application of the repellant to the bait as it is time consuming. If someone was to create a better application system then it may be easier to sell to the AHB?
If you're really keen you can also pay yourself the difference!
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds