What XR500 says, plus 4x MaxTrax. I use the MaxTrax to get myself out, and my winch is generally to get others out. Maxtrax are brilliant things.
What XR500 says, plus 4x MaxTrax. I use the MaxTrax to get myself out, and my winch is generally to get others out. Maxtrax are brilliant things.
Wow… thanks again guys… really generous with your time there. Really appreciate it. That gives me plenty of food for thought, and will save me a good bit of cash.
Have an awesome week!
Polyester ropes for towing.
Nylon straps (snatch straps) for recovery, the 20% stretch that you get in a recovery strop aids in the recovery, the stored energy works like a rubber band and helps pull the stuck vehicle out once the strap reaches it full length.
Yep. My mistake. I've got 35mm dia Polyester ropes I have spliced up for hauling things with the tractor a dozer. Lovely and light and almost no stretch. Just what you need for attaching a hand winch to something immovable.
Bicycle track pump. Slays a foot pump for reinflating tyres. Or theres always an electric pump. But manual stuff is more reliable and fixable IMO.
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Bugger having an expensive winch mounted on your truck with limited pull angles and stuff that can crap out. I carry a 3 ton vertical lift chainblock with plenty of chain, a couple of long straps and waratahs with a flat top welded on them so I can use the sledge hammer to drive them in, cost fuck all, pull on any angle you like and super strong.
warratahs...now man at work made me wee gizmo that shocked me in how good it is....piece of 2" heavy pipe 3" long with a 3" square flat welded to one end so its like a big cup/top hat with square rim...sit the sucker on top of warratah and hit the flat plate...you cant smack your hand holding the pipe bit as its underneath the rim and the top of warratahs dont get bent up....you can leave insulators on unlike using the top hat with handles models....
we have commercial "black snake" tow ropes for our fert trucks...they stretch like buggery but the trucks come out...biggest trick we learnt was to pull truck from front at sharp angle so it pivots on one back wheel,popping other three free of shit then lurches itself up n out....when really stuck the towed truck can rear n lurch like crazy horse before clearing itself,the tow rope shrinking as it moves then tight as tower gets moving...at times I admit I hide down behind dash as its plurry unsettling seeing that tight black line pointed back at you......thats the other advantage of towing at angle....it points past you.
....And without really trying, his 'around the South Island for 6 months truck' is nudging GVM without any passengers or gear aboard![]()