Always an interesting topic..whether it be culling back in the ol days, dragging out carcasses or trapping live ones
Sadly it aint gunna happen again but those that gave it a go on a casual basis or on a more professional one will tell yi that it was'nt all beer and skittles.
The venison wars were real and outright bloody dangerous ti say the least.
Friendships fell apart...families broke up,people died. Deer were shitless lol. All hell broke loose when the prize hit $1 a,look out guys here I come sorta thing.
Personally If I could turn back time I'd be right back into it like many others I guess.
Fist fights in the pub,poaching on every opportunity, sabotaging others bikes or 4x4's etc oh yeah those were the days.
Culling on the other hand was extremely subtle compared to the meat wars fi sure................incredible times and more than proud to have been a part of it all.