best weight I can remember was a mate sold a stag from Te Kumi right up the east coast 404 lb sold shot out in the paddock in velvet - most whole stags we sold were in the 130 -230 lb mark 230 was rare - most stags were around 150 -180 lb - our best pig was 290 lb - but most boars were 100-150 lb mark - best goat was 110 lb - but the freezers rarely took goats- but one could sell if at the right time of year they could get a big lot - when I shepherded on Makomako at Tokomaru bay we sold some big musters of goats one truck went out with over 200 on it live - much later we shot it just before it went into pines - over 3000 goats in 3 weeks of shooting - Kel set our record of 119 in one day and that was with a .270 I bet his ears are buggered today - ear protection was unknown to us then lol - all the goats I have tipped over culling the best head I ever got was 35 1/2 inches goes to show how rare those 40 in plus goats are - I never saw a goat head bigger than mine shot - my best stag culling or meat hunting was a big 12 shot at Willow flat and that was the biggest I ever saw from any of us - I watched a bigger stag a 14 pointer at Willow flat one morning but was not allowed to shoot deer on that property only goats - trust me I was very tempted - I sat watching him thru the scope trying to figure out how I could shoot and retrieve later but let him go