@Tahr,just like up North the Sth Is chillers would fight it out for kgs thru the door.Mairs (Hokitika plant) running a heaviest stag comp to drag them in.We all know naturally jammy bastards along the way.An Ashley forest woody if given a job to go dig a long drop would likely come up with a Krugerrand in his paw.And equally tinny with his hunting.Mode of attack- red bands,bonnet finders on the J1,& a crate of big botts between the seats.But he could sure slay them.Roar of '84 and he tips over a friggen horse of an animal.Something like 140kg class on the hook delivered to Mairs chiller at Loburn run by the Sampson's.Beat all comers from the wider Sth Is including those big Rakaia boys.I was on $114 notes a week in the hand plus found @ the time.Stag went $250 notes on the hook and another $250 notes for the prize which went on the bar at the Ashley pisser