How did every one do?
i got the Breast Creek block 39 on the 3rd period should be good!
How did every one do?
i got the Breast Creek block 39 on the 3rd period should be good!
Dipped out
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
Missed out on Wanaka
Managed to get nightfall creek in Haast for first period so have a block
Might put a trip down south together, big walk with a lot of elevation in the eyre mountains or Takis next door, will bed to ramp the fitness for that though!
Best of luck for those who got blocks
"If God wanted us to be vegetarian....why did he make meat taste so good?"
No luck here either. Good luck to those heading in!
Missed out on this too. Having a bad run at ballots this year.
Hi All
I managed to secure a block in 1st period Upper Young, first time securing a block in Wanaka so happy but apprehensive, any tips or what's the normal practice on access walk in or Chopper
Good block. You can walk or fly.
Harvey Hutton is just up the road at Makarora.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Cheers Mate, got any thoughts on base camp at the Hutt? and fly camps out from there, it generally looks like it has some good cover up the river. Have you shot that block before
I have not hunted it on foot but have seen a couple good stags in there before. Good genetics thru that whole area.
Not many deer, but better than average chance of a good one. Chamois are in reasonable numbers as well.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Missed out also
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upper young is a good block i would get flown as its a bit of a walk and there has been quite a few slips up there one forming a dam and is holding the water up there. plus you would also be walking through someone elses block to get there
Managed to Salvage the Blue block, 19 for the third period, at the second chance draw yesterday, cheers whoever gave up their block. Hopefully means some noise with the likelihood of a late roar due to slow spring flush and summer drought. Anyone been in here before, looks a good spot.
Seeing as no one on here appears to have an opinion on this block thought I'd add my two cents to it if anyone else has the unfortunate luck of getting this place. DoC wanaka hunting fella informed us there was slim to no deer in here, on the experience of the last week I might agree with him, two separate very small hoof prints spotted and no sign any newer than 3 days old. Possible there is some deer held up in basins in the north and south branches but getting there will take some extreme planning and navigation, the whole block is wrought with cliffs and waterfalls. Up the top of the main river are a series of what appear to be promising clearings with plenty of cover but most are backed by cliff faces so begs to wonder where the dear would live/move.
Thursday was 30 hours of rain starting on the Wed night and ended about midnight Friday morning, we were up before the sun walking through the last clearing hoping to see some animals come out to catch what was a warm day but still nothing , then the wind changed on us and a pair of Paradise ducks let the whole catchment know something was up and even continued to circle us so they knew exactly where we were. There are also a couple of Whio pairs up there which from a conservation perspective is good to see and plenty of those berries that Josh James is always eating.
Hopefully the other Ballot holders can add their two cents to how this block performed for them.
There was also a small wallow that hadn't been used in a decent period of time at the beginning of the last lot of clearings. We made a good camp sight if anyone wants the GPS co-ordinates and there is a good rock bivy which would make a good campsite on the first day heading up to the top clearings also have co-ordinates for this.