A response from DOC about an OIA request i did ages ago as the local office wouldnt get back to me.
Regarding the grazing concession in the Rawhitiroa Conservation Area and Waitotara
Cosnervation Area, both concessions are listed as a license. Under the Conservation
Act 1987, a license does not grant the concessionaire exclusive possession of the land.
Therefore, both hunters and the general public are allowed to access the land. This is
also reiterated in the concession grazing contracts “the land is open for public
However, for hunters, they must have the appropriate open area permit to hunt. The
Department does have the authority to put restrictions on hunting in the area. Please
confirm with your local DOC office if hunting or other access restrictions are in place
TLDR. Grazing concession doesn't grant exclusive use of that land. So they cannot restrict the general public access to that area. BUT can restrict hunting. That should be covered under your hunting permit/ restrictions for that block.