How did you all get on? We missed out but first time applying so no surprises.
Will be back in the draw next year crossing toes and fingers.
How did you all get on? We missed out but first time applying so no surprises.
Will be back in the draw next year crossing toes and fingers.
Wonder if GD got a block..
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
We got Dark River in the 2nd. Might hand it back as I think other plans are in the making.
3nd time entering and 3rd time getting a block.
Does anyone know anyone who has catseye block first period 2021 ?
We got Lake Katherine, first period, first time in ballot, nice to have a hut for a base. Any info on block from previous winners of that block would be awesome.
Got mid burn second period any info would be great.
Been in the Doon and any one wants any info will try to help out
Catseye 1st period for our party, this will be our second time in Wap country, we had George river last year if anyone wants some info.
Any info on the Catseye would be much appreciated, cheers