About as acceptable as 1080?
About as acceptable as 1080?
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
think about this -how many decades have assorted NZ govt via their agencies tried to wipe out red deer thar chamois etc and the old red&co just quietly bounce back .how fucking long has this 1080 shit been thrown about after a zillion cyanide gin traps motor vehicle tyres and assorted lead blow jobs have attempted to cull the fucking feral australian import?????????? ,but wait.....theres another ....bloody great jacko up the treee filling his guts and snarling or taunting you.
humans wake the fuck up youll never .repeat never ever beat the animal kingdom for surviving in an onslaught in modern times.
its simple -ol ma nature as shes proven time&time again will decide when their reign is over and extinction follows-not some computer educated spotty arsed wee human herbert or some semi erected(oops elected)humanic variety called a minister of the crown.
oh hold on our very acidic astute academic colony will say im talking shit-up yours the truth hurts!
@kotuku. I heard parliament is buzzing lately.
There is literally video of possums raiding nests and eating fledglings. However their primary predation is of eggs. Ever notice how the drops are often based around this time of year? Increasing fledgling recruitment is the primary goal. Questioning the verifiable science isn't the way forward if you are the opposed to the use of 1080. I'm not sure where you get your assertion that they can't digest meat. The science suggests otherwise.
No one actually laying 1080 believes it is going to eliminate predators from an area, but it does(in most cases) knock numbers down enough to increase recruitment and end up with a net gain in native bird population. Its surely not perfect, and its definitely overused, (ie around accessible bush) but it is for the most part better than nothing.
Stimulates rat breeding by 2-300% very well too, then followed by increases in stoat populations ay. Really clever.![]()
@ Moa Hunter
Do possums eat meat? Well...
I saw a possum eating meat (another possum) on Coast Road, Wainuiomata earlier this year. All that was left of the earlier possum was the leg that the possum I saw had in its mouth.
I was surprised and tried to video it, but it took off.
I’m not a massive fan of 1080, but I can’t support the alternative at this stage.
One of the private blocks that I hunt is now out of action for a short period of time as the adjacent public land was 1080ed last week. I’ve waited out the stand down before and there’s no shortage of deer in the Hauragis now.
It’s a senseless debate to get in online and I totally understand the passion that anti 1080 people have for the current program. None of them seem to have a viable, cost effective alternative at this stage.
Either way it’s sad.
cyanide is not always instantaneous .it acts by blocking the ability of the blood streams red cells to attract /bind to haemaglobin =how you get your oxygen,but the actual blocking of this aint always gonna stop ya on the spot .the tactics of nazi concentration camp staff and reports of evidence when chambers were subsequently opened to dispose of victims ,plus reports of executions in the good ol US of A ,shows some horrendous agony before the doomed finally succumb.still overall if its achoice twixt cyanide and 1080 its pretty one sided.
actually pity that vertical rabid hursuite four eyed greenie wasnt made to sit and watch some of these bloody animals in their death throes. how in christs name some thing that was NEVER democratically elected can grandiosely state she speaks for me is well beyond my comprehension.
Cyklon-B, 20-25minutes before terrified screams ceased. CO from Russian tank engine exhaust, slightly quicker.
WW2 SOE agents issued potassium cyanide capsules were told they would work instantly and painlessly... well, you'd not want to believe otherwise in their shoes, would you? But in fairness it was a matter of within a few minutes.. though with pain, frothing at the mouth and all.
Bullets, kill-traps, quicker acting poisons remain the kindest options to keep predator populations in balance. In the end, predators need predators, and short of introducing such species the NZ Hunter has his and her place.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Link? Not being snidey I am legitimately curious. If it's the article I think it is they conveniently left out the fact it was a mast year which lead to huge amounts of mice and rats.
But yeah competitive dampening is a very real negative. And hard to predict side effect of 1080.
Go to
1080 Science | Scientific findings on 1080
There is all the proof you need there. And apart from the plethora of science on that site, DoC recently admitted to needing annual doses of poison on Heaphy track because the rats keep bouncing back after 1080 drops. It's well known, but took uears for doc to admit the fact.
Go to
1080 Science | Scientific findings on 1080
There is all the proof you need there. And apart from the plethora of science on that site, DoC recently admitted to needing annual doses of poison on Heaphy track because the rats keep bouncing back after 1080 drops. It's well known, but took uears for doc to admit the fact.
Well, Craig, the alternative has been available for as long as 1080. The problem is that it has had virtually nil financial support (deliberately) from successive governments, and yet has been for the most part self financed. Nor has it been properly set into a managed long term publicly funded industry , while 1080 has. It has virtually nil by kill of non target species and has the potential to do as good or better job than 1080 with great socio-economic benefits as well, and virtually no pollution of waterways.
If trapping in its many forms was financed equally as 1080 is, there would be queue a mile long to take the job on.
The naysayers claim people wouldn't work in the conditions, cant be trained quickly etc. However, that is not true either, as has been proven repeatedly by the keeness of Fijian, and other pacific neighbors eagerly wanting to come here, and are now some of the best forest and farm and horticultural workers in our country.
Currently we are being hooked well over $60 per ha to finance 1080. A reasonable trapper can traverse a prepared line of 200 ha per day. 200 * $60 = $12,000. When you look into the economics you can see why the 1080 industry and DoC suppress the truth.
When I refer to 200 ha line, it is a line 10km long, with traps at approx 100m intervals servicing out to 100m laterally. (1 ha is 100m * 100m and 1000m per km. Ball park figures , but it gives the general picture. Light rat traps can be additionally spaced. The opportunity exists for crew fly camps serviced by helicopters in rugged remote areas. Also a percentage of fur, skins and meat can be recovered as suitable.
apparently the press and some mps were told that the dead birds were not all from a 1080 drop area, and that some were roadkill, yet on the news, they had been all bludgened to death. my friend gave a statement to tv3, after they had filmed it the camera man said what a good interview, but it was never shown on tv3.
Typical by govt controlled media.