If an export market for the meat opens up again then velvet stags will get it first then milky hinds, same sh-t different day.
When will Doc learn that we have the best tool and expertise for deer management in the world, never I suspect.
Just read the documents, the DOC National panel are certainly very pro WARO.
Interesting that an AATH operator submitted against the taking of trophy stags (self interest!)
I’m a little bemused that the processing factory said that the majority of stags taken have no trophy potential, considering that the antlers/velvet are removed before going into the chiller truck & being taken to the factory how can they make this statement/assessment? Load of BS & DOC lapped it up.
More land being opened up and the WARO guys whining about areas being 1080 and the 2km buffer zone hurting there viability!
Apparently the non Stat days over Xmas/New Year period are there busiest times to get deer, etc So the exclusion period shouldn’t be extended…..and they don’t want a 4 week roar exclusion either..
Shooting hinds in Jan/Feb & leaving fawns to starve to death is legal under the WAC act, I wonder what the European consumers would say about this if the knew?
Basically the Rec hunter gets zip despite the High court case saying a review is needed, and WARO get there wish list.
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
What part of the WAC act stops WARO from shooting in milk hinds. Wouldn't that mean it would be pretty marginal for the factories to accept them.
There were processors exporting feral venison before covid came along and will again I'm sure sooner rather than later.
Can `t get away from processors if use wild meats for commercial use. What comes to my mind, two things. One, we, well at least you guys (I am not a resident yet, power level -100%) should protect recreational resources from culling, 1080, K5 of when is necessary for which certain area. Them will never know how a man made virus will do, until the day everybody find out, then it will as usual as always, too late. Covid is an example, do `t you think?
Second, those wild things, I hope it goes to pet foods but it was a waste. Actually, we. No you could do something gain export profits if there could be a Org over current system, and one thing for sure is that there is a market waiting for all the stuffs.
So be it
I have pondered this whole WARO things many times over the years.....it would take some serious co-operation and someone with big balls and a bigger stick to change things to make nearly everyone happy......IF you could somehow prevent WARO from taking large mature stags bucks and bulls ...the recreational hunter would be appeased somewhat..... the population would still be getting controled,after all its the Mums that make the bambis....... the green factor for want of a better term should be able to live with that.... the operators wont like it particularly much as the big boys have biggest body weights,but hinds and spikers are still on the table to harvest.... IF they did this MAYBE would regain some work ferrying hunters into hills.... which brings up the next point and possibly the single biggest problem/issue with current set up.....if a WARO operator is allowed to shoot animals,land and pick them up in an area...HOW is it then not ok to drop someone off in same spot without a permit to do so????? that single STUPID rule prevents recreational harvesters from easier access to alot of country that might just be controlled better if thing were changed...
end of day I would rather see animal swinging on a hook than rotting in a creek and even search n destroy is better than poisoning,because it COULD be done semi selectively EG leaving mature male animals....
It's up to the processor what and when they accept or not, pretty simple really. Game management can be controlled by them plain and simple. Doc have no say in that side of it and there will always be operators to supply. I'm sure a venison processor would not like evidence of orphaned fawns reaching their expeort market.
redo that...hinds and spikers only...nothing with more than 6 points allowed to go out on hook,hard or in velvet...... if they live the first 2-3 years without being shot they have SOME chance to get bigger...
as for hunting post 1080....with a dog its always going to be dodgy time...far too many good dogs have suffered horrible cruel death because of live baits or tempting morsel.....
im trying to see a middle ground where everyone can have SOME slice of the pie...... and I do believe the landing to drop off isnt just going to be a trophy hunter...and typing that an ammendment just popped into head that would cancel it for deer at least....may be dropped anywhere other than in march n april..... so a meat hunter could be dropped up on top,,,stalk downwards on way out... cancels the walk up....or as in case of some local spots,carrying water for 2 hrs uphill to camp spot....
I cant speak for anyone else but in my 50 years on Gods green earth that would amount to.....let me think.......zero....one was right on weaning age and I wasnt quick enough to get gun off son to shoot it after he had dropped the hind...but other than that one...zip,nada,none whatsoever. I prefer eating fawns to hinds or big stags anyway...KFF is a great meal.
Well I live almost opposite a local Waro who was also involved in Tahrmagedon and I can honestly say just bout every local hunter I know here chooses to fly with him into areas despite their being an alternative operator they could use, but the alternative has bigger machines so charges more.
I have never flown into any hunting as its cost prohibitive for me.