The best thing with outstanding optics is my big 7x35 scope can focus down to ten meters clear as a bell but can engage targets as far as you wish.
I just have options.
The 2.5 x20 is probably the most versatile hunting scope I have ever used or seen.
I had my 308 out to 1260m the other day and then shooting rabbits at 20.
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I'm happy to shoot out to 300m or so, but my last three shots at deer have been at about 20m.
I have taken out a couple of 15yo boys for their first deer, both were about 150m shots.
5m to 700m.
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If I can get 200 or less with a steady rest I will head shoot but after that out to 500 high shoulder is my go. The exception is if the wind is to strong then everything is different. Fortunately early and late usually the wind is not a problem where I hunt
This is really a question on what type of hunting you do and where: long range, alpine tops, tussock and scrub open bush or jungle the answer will vary.
In over 30 years of hunting NZ mostly South Island and some time in NT Australia the answer for me is 0-500m. Most often 20-100m (been enjoying bush stalking more)either Bush stalking open beech or hunting screes and tops. I was taught to get as close as possible for a clean kill.
I took my first deer almost 5yrs ago at a range of roughly 80m. Since then I’ve taken deer at a mix of ranges from 5m out to 350m. 350-400m would be about my limit on an animal with my current setup and with the amount of time I spend behind a rifle. Happy to about 600 on the range though. Depends on the situation though- the last deer I took was just under 300m with a good rest, but just the other week I held off pulling the trigger on a deer about half that distance as I wasn’t comfortable with my rest and the time available to take the shot. However, all but two of my animals have been shot within 100m.
I got back from 2 weeks here and there on Friday and in that time I shot 17 deer, 9 fallow and 8 reds. Average range was ~350m, with the fallow all being 250-300m, and the reds all being 350-500m. Both of these groups are typical of the environment - hill country sheep and beef farms with extensive bush blocks and DOC as an immediate neighbour.
The flip side to this as I posted the other day is that I get a bit bored of just pinging deer at these ranges, so have taken steps to get more time up close and personal, hence the open sights and lever action. That’s all been 20-50m action, highly enjoyable.
When the photos work again I’ll post some of the fallow action on the property I visited last week, which is a relatively new one for me with a whole new bunch of challenges.
Typically between 30 and 400m, averaging 200m. With very little or no wind I feel comfortable out to 500m.
My eye sight is shit, so I can’t shoot what I can’t see, so around 100 is enough to tell me to glass it
90% of deer I shoot are 20-60m, have shot animals out to 400 odd meters at times. Am confident I have the skills and equipment to shoot to 400 if I'm happy with conditions.
I do like to get as close as possible however. As my old man used to to say' "dont brag how long the shot was but how close you got".
I would be similar to Huntly with ranges, and got pretty much word for word, the same advise, the old man being a culler and NZFS hut/bridge builder,
plus sika are so much fun to hunt, in the bush. (ok sometimes frustrating)
In general for deer, 100-400 is pretty standard for the open country I hunt. Most around the 300 mark.
For longer shots I give myself a limit of 600
last 5 deer for me were 15yds , 125yds , 210 yds , 595 yds and 185yds . Hard poll . After a lot of trial and error and a LOT of swapping of rifles ive settled on 2 . Ive got a 708 with a dialable scope 4x 14 power that i can shoot from 10yds to 500 yds comfortably. My other a 7mm mag , dialable scope 3x15 power that I can shoot 10 yds to 750ish im comfortable with .
Only have one deer down so far - was taken at 30m off hand - North Island bush is thick! Have started to recon some slip country up high for some tops shooting - just got my scope back from Leupold having a CDS-ZL turret fitted so I can dial in. Range I'd happily shoot game at depends on conditions and available shooting position.
Most of my shooting is rabbits and hares, range probably depends on time/rifle - at night with 22LR subs anywhere inside 75m (long shots often supported on a fence), day time prone with a center fire if i can see it (and its in a safe location) I'll take the shot