What makes a hunter? Hmmm. I hunt for the freezer (try to be self sufficient-ish) so mostly hunt goats. They are easy to get, tasty and when it comes to dollars spent per kg of meat in the freezer they are the best, most practical wild meat supply. Now I have more free time (not meaning lockdown, just that my life circumstances have changed) I will hunt more deer down Wanganui.
I hate the macho element that hunting brings out in a percentage of hunters. I cop a heap of "What are you hunting kid's stuff for? You should be hunting deer/pigs" etc etc etc. A bit like the macho rugby bollocks I had to put up with as a teen when i got bored with rugby (players) and decided to go hunting instead.
A typical example; "What a poof! We were on the piss last night after rugby. F*** my stomach muscles are sore today (Monday at work) from spewing all Sunday. I suppose you were sitting on your arse all weekend?" Or; "You f***ing think you're a stickman or something?" and then counter their argument by calling you "gay" type bullshit comments.....
It never worried me I'd just laugh at them. But could see how it would get to other 17-year olds... I'd just reply "Nah, hunted all of the days and spent the nights with my girlfriend. Better than playing "soggy weetbix" in the changing rooms"..... That always went down well......
But it does always surprise me how many macho bullshit "you're not a hunter" comments I get. Not from good hunters; just the blow arse. macho types who give our sport a bad name.... My mates give me a bit of stick; but we know each other well and it's just banter. You know; the old "the better you like someone the more shit you can give them!"
Interestingly; I'm really surprised by the amount of women who have asked me to take them for a hunt. They've never experienced it and hate all the "paint their face with blood after the first kill" bollocks they see and hear. They want someone to show them what hunting is like without the macho bullshit that they hate....
So am I a hunter? I think yes. Some say no because I mostly hunt goats. But do I care? Not on your life!
