I think this is a fantastic way of summarizing it Tahr. Very inspirational to us younger guys.
And I think kbrebs summed it up nicely aswell.
I agree with the vast majority of what had been said in this post, and I think it's a very thought provoking post so awesome to see the engagement in it.
I don't think I could add anything further to it. But what I could add is what a believe a hunter isn't in regards to our hobby/passion/livelihood/way of life.
A true hunter is not the kind of person who drives country roast night, spotlighting others paddocks, and then shooting a good stag and taking just the head. It's just blatant trespass, theft or whatever. Its having no regard for safety regarding the firearms code and no human decency. It is these guys however that will proudly display the head and fabricate a story to give along with it so make out they are in actual fact, a great hunter.
A true hunter does not after a hard days slogging on the hill, shoot over the fence of a game park or deer farm just so they dont go home empty handed.
A true hunter does not for fun, shoot road signs endangering other members of the public in doing so, just to get a feel for the recoil, those guys are dicks.
There are countless more things a true hunter of our sport does not do.
I for one believe I am a true hunter, for I will always think of the animal, think of others and respect the wilderness before I do myself.
The fact that you have not left an unfortunate disability stop you from following your hobby/passion, speaks volumes for your character. You sir, are a true hunter.