I've shot more runts/poorly grown deer over the last 12 months than ever before. Their heads look out of proportion to their body size. And Ive shot a mature dry hind and a dry doe on my last 2 hunts - thats unusual. In this case its over population. The further from the main scrub block you get and into the farm proper the better the deer get. There's about 1500 acres of shit scrub country right against high production sheep country that has plenty of cover for them but they persist in living in the shit stuff. Reds and Fallow. They could have the life of Riley if they migrated 500 yards and further. I shot 66 last year and still see 25-30 each time Im out. It's a shame because there are some excellent bloodlines. I target females a lot but it's a shame at the moment that because of the fawns the spikers are copping it.