yes I do, a exped downmat, also a down jacket for wearing around camp/glassing, I put it in my sleeping bag stuff sack at night for a pillow.
cheap wollen gloves & a beanie for the colder months.
Food wise on a walk in trip I'm more interested in best calorie bang for weight
So either a premix of muesli & milk powder in a ziplock bag or Porridge (+rasins) for BF
Lunch, crackers, tuna/salami cheese, orange
Snacks, nut mix, OSM bars, bumper bars, choc bars, barley sugars, etc
Dinner, Freeze dry 2 person meal or Kaweka meal, etc
tea, coffee, raro sachets, soups, milk powder
Couple of GU carbo shots in case you get rooted on a big carry/day out & GU Electrolyte Brew tablets for rehydrating in the hotter months.
Hopefully you get a feed of steak to supplement things, basically be like a deer, decent feed in the morning & at night, nibble during the day.